Unknown Diaries – Chapter One | Dreams, dreams… dreams

I think everyone has woken up and had that one dream where they’ll just wake up and think, fuck… I’m horny and as their consciousness came more and more to them, they’d feel almost a tingling sensation as they start to recall their dream. Their hand slowly trickling down in between their legs and as they start off slowly, it just start to feel *so* good.

Lately I’ve been having a lot of those dreams. I feel as though I am turning into a giant pervert. I can’t stop thinking about sex. As someone who has only recently started having it, I feel almost addicted to it.

I’ve been dating Leo for almost three months now and we’ve had sex a few times. But I am sad to admit that even though I really like him, he just doesn’t get me *there* and I don’t know how to talk about it. So I’ve been left sexually addicted and frustrated. I keep waking up horny and just wishing he would turn around and brush his hard limb against me and whisper he wants me.

All I can say is, thank god for vibrators.