Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ch. 3 Mdom NC(?) Deep penetration

Alice noticed with a start that in the very centermost point of the room, a tall table stood, perfectly clear and carved exquisitely with hearts and filigree. The entire point of the table seemed to be to hold a crystal decanter, delicately corked with a fat little heart, and emblazoned with a red and white card reading only “Drink Me.”

Willing her heart to calm, Alice steadied herself tentatively on the little table, still unaware that she was being watched. She pressed a hand to her pounding chest, then to the top of her thigh, then to her hip as she ground her legs together, willing herself to still after all she’d just seen and felt.
High in the shadowy corner of the ceiling, a purple cock glimmered into view, stroked by a strong hand. It rose out of the translucent fist, a glittering drop gathering at the thick head.

Taking up the decanter, Alice filled a small glass she hadn’t noticed before, crystal and perfect. She drew the glass to her lips and drank, her tongue gently and surreptitiously reaching out to capture the last fruity drops from the bottom. The liquid slid sweetly down her parched throat, thick and cool. She breathed deeply, drawing a heavy breath in, dragging the air into her as deeply as she could, willing her heart to slow down.

The Doormouse Mdom, Free Use/Orgy (Choose your adventure…)

It was going to be a very special tea, a very special tea indeed.
The table was set out, the tea things sparkling in the sunlight as the trees cast cool green shadows over gently polished silver, gleaming tureens, and cakes in pillowy covers of frosting. A white linen cloth covered the table demurely, falling down in soft folds, luxuriously appointing the smooth wood.

The first courses had been sumptuous, clouds of creams in soft, flaky pastry. Hot milky tea that clung dreamily to the edges of cups. Cool breeze caressed the celebrants and, ready now for the main course, the wild haired man with a tall hat atop his head.

“We have a special treat today my dears,” he intoned, soft voice curling out from lips scarcely containing their smile. “Now that we have concluded our aperitif, I announce with no small pleasure, the main course.” Sweeping out a magnanimous hand, he allowed all to survey the soft form now adorning the table.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Ch. 2 Voyeurism, MFFFF, MF, slight nc Mdom long tease

She came after the heavy sweep of the door into another richly paneled room, checkered red and white tile of the floor curving around the perfectly circular space. The door repeated it’s meaty click as it shut behind her, leaving Alice to wonder why (among seven dark wood doors of a perfectly normal shape and size) there was one solitary door of a height that nobody bigger than a cat could fit through.
Such an easy distraction to catch her attention, particularly as the fleeting thought passed through her head that the girl she followed so closely was nowhere to be seen.

Alice walked across the room, tucking the dainty lace gloves into the pocket of her skirt, and went to her knees next to the tiny door, further lowering herself to her elbows to gently take the knob between two fingers and twist, pulling the little door open so she could peek through the small opening.

Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland Chapter 1 FF MF con exhib Mdom Much more to come

Alice always managed to get very tired of sitting by her sister by the bank, the water lapping nearby and her sister’s nose in a book. No matter how many years passed, nor how either girl grew, she always grew restless, but still felt quite sleepy and stupid in the soft summer heat.

Shifting, she felt the slide of her skirt over her stockinged legs and tossed her hair back to let fingers of the gentle breeze slip through and cool her brow.

She felt very sleepy and stupid, lolling on the bank. Just as Alice began to wonder if the pleasure of making a daisy crown was worth the work to collect the daisies, when a sudden, soft sound caught at her attention. It was a rustling, followed by a short exclaimed “Oh!”