[F]un new technique ends in the best orgas[m] I can remember

Inspired by yesterday's post. I was reading "Women of /r/gonewildstories, tell us about the best orgasm you've ever had", thinking that I had stories, but couldn't remember them very clearly, and then last night happened. I could not help but share. Plus its good writing practice. Luckily this is fresh in my mind still. :)

Tiny bit of (fun) exposition: during sex, or when I masturbate, I've always preferred getting myself off with tight, quick circles on my clit using my ring and middle finger, preferably with very little moisture directly on my clit. Something about the traction my fingers get seems to give me more control of the movement. It just feels better all around. Too slippery, and I lose all my momentum. My husband is very much the opposite. He loves the slick sensation when he spreads lube or my own fluid around to let his fingers move smoothly across my skin. I don't have any complaints when he does that, of course. Different strokes and all :P Anyway, we found a new way to manually stimulate me a couple months ago, and it was fantastic. Beyond fantastic.