[FM] He won’t fuck me again, YET

So, I got back to work this week on Monday and I’ve only seen [him](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eo9t12/fm_fucked_my_next_door_boss/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about three times!
The first day I saw him, he was looking all robust and muscular in a grey suit on his way to Court. He hugged me and put his arm on my face and said “Damn girl” and then walked away.

So, yesterday he passed by my office and I had my door open so he came in and we spoke a little about a case I was studying up on and he helped me with the appropriate laws which were just on top of his head.

“how many years of experience do I need to master the law like that?” I asked

‘we’re talking about 20years of experience, where were you 20 years ago?’ he asked giggling

“I was 8 years old” I replied blushing

Deep down, in my head, I was just wishing he’d take me right there on my desk and bend me over, I’ve been dreaming of it all week…

He went on to say how it was inappropriate of him (he’s 48) to fuck me like that and I told him I wasn’t complaining at all…

[FM] Fucked my next door boss!

In February 2019, I moved to a small town near my hometown for a job in a law firm. The thing about small towns, is that everybody knows everyone and usually that doesn’t work so well for single people….

So, for the longest time, I never had sex with anyone, unless one time when I booty called my ex, who lives in  the same town but he’s kind of an asshole, but I needed the dick!!!

Right next to my office, there’s another law firm and the boss, let’s call him Mr. K, is just my type! He’s older, 48, he has a great body, he’s about 6’4 and he wears the hell out of a suit!

I’d never spoken to him past greetings and a few times about matters that we appeared together in or when he needed me to do something for him.

So, it was strictly professional between us even though I had a crush on him!