Dave again.
This was in my early 20’s
Not the sequel to [Grudgefuck](https://redd.it/7ccr2j), you’ll get that when I’ve finished polishing it.
I had ridden my motorcycle interstate on holiday to attend a motorcycle meetup/show and catch up with friends. The meetup had a bunch of show bikes, parts and accessories manufacturers, dealerships and everything else motorcycle related.
I had arrived at the site – pretty much just a large parking lot in an industrial estate. The event wasn’t quite in full swing, being just after lunch, but it was busy. I parked my bike, locked my helmet on and hoped my camping gear didn’t walk off. But seriously, it was a couple of tarps, some rope, a roll up self inflating mattress, an army style mess kit and some extra clothes and bathroom supplies. Nothing I would worry too much about if it went missing.
I started walking around looking at the bikes, having a chat to people when I found something interesting.