Juicy Waffles – woman eats waffles cover in cum

Knock knock.

I unlocked and opened the door to my storefront, “Juicy Waffles,” only enough for one eye to see out. A young, petite lady in a blue dress stood on the porch in front of me.

“Yes?” I asked, peering through the small space. I didn’t let just any potential customer into my store. I had to deem them worthy of my tasty treats before they could even take a glance inside.

“I’d like a waffle,” the girl said. She released the grip of her fist, revealing a five-dollar bill.

“And, why do you think you deserve a waffle?” I inquired.

“I can handle the gush,” she claimed.

I smirked, and opened the door enough for the girl to enter. I directed her to the only chair in the store, which sat under a dim ceiling light in the middle of the otherwise empty room.

“Sit. The show will begin shortly,” I affirmed. I pushed a short table out in front of the girl, and exited into the backroom.

The girl was alone for two minutes before three nude men with fully erect penises entered the room, each one carrying a fluffy golden waffle fresh out of the oven. They placed them on the table.

Man in the Spiderman Mask – blowjob in the alley

As I was walking down the dimly-lit, desolated street, a flying banana smashed into my forehead. I stared at the oblong, yellow fruit now lying at my feet, and then toward thedark alley to my left.

“Hey lady,” hollered a shadowy figure with a raspy voice. Under the street lamp appeared a man in a spider-man mask. “Come here.”

I obeyed, and walked into the pitch-black alley. The man in the spider-man mask grabbed my hand and led me to a hidden doorway.

“Meow?” He asked.

“Meow,” I replied.

The man in the spider-man mask pulled his sweatpants off from around his waist. I watched as they fell and wrapped around his ankles.

“Take off my diaper,” He demanded, “with your teeth.”

“Grrr,” I responded and crouched down on my knees. With my teeth gripping the top of the diaper, I yanked it open. I spit the diaper out on the ground, and looked at the flaccid, pencil-thin penis in front of me.

“Flaccid cock. My favorite,” I announced, grabbing the soft penis and slapping it against my cheek.

“Yeah? You like that snake slithering across your face?” He asked, gazing into my eyes.

Traveling Trucker Whores: a short story ;-)

“Ugh, what the fuck,” Jaimi cursed, as she ran a small black comb through the dried jizz that matted her hair. She had just finished with one of her regulars – the one who was notorious for pulling out and cumming on her face (and inevitably in her hair) whether she wanted him to or not.

“Mother fucker,” she blurted, as the door to the otherwise empty bathroom flung open. In walked a stocky young woman in a tight yellow dress.

“Well, aren’t you a looker,” said the woman. Jaimi threw her comb into the sink and turned around.

“Excuse me?” She asked.

“You’re pretty,” answered the woman. “I like your hair. I wish mine flowed like yours.” It’s true, Jaimi did have long golden locks. Even matted, her hair looked much healthier than the woman’s poorly colored pixie cut. “My name is Wrigley. Do you need help?”

“Wrigley? What kind of name is that?” Jaimi quizzed.

“My parents wanted a dog,” the woman responded. “Do you want some help or not?” Without a word, Jaimi picked the comb up out of sink and handed it to Wrigley, who immediately started brushing. “So, what are you doing in a rest area bathroom with jizz in your hair?”