[MF] The surprise [overly verbose, anal]

So this is a story from the spank bank, and concerns a time in the first year of my relationship with Melissa. I’m not going to bother with long setups, I’m just going to jump in.

Melissa had a work thing back in my home city, and, fancying the trip, I reached out to old clients and picked up some odd jobs for the week I’d be there, and flew out with her. I still had a few things in storage with my younger brother, in the house we used to share, and he gave me a set of keys so I could go in and sort out what I wanted to ship and what I wanted to toss. She came with me.

It was weird being in the house again. My brother had moved upstairs into what had been my bedroom – understandable, since it had the balcony and the view. The space was so familiar, and yet so different now that it was dressed with his things – well, strewn is a better word. My brother is a messy fucker.