The first time I had sex [MF]

Well, I don’t know if there is too much to tell. She wouldn’t take her top off. She told me that her boyfriend was asking her to do anal in exchange for money. Her boyfriend wasn’t there at the time, but she did have her webcam on, or maybe a chat window open, so she got super paranoid after we fooled around.

I think I lasted 30 seconds. I was 30 years old, she was 20 years old or something. It wasn’t great, and I told her “Hey, if we don’t stop this, I’m gonna, you know…” and maybe she was fine with that because she didn’t stop me.

So, after the first time, I figured, “In for a penny, in for a pound” and I went back for two more pounds, throughout the night. It was really beautiful, like an allergic reaction to peanuts.

As to how we ended up together, all I can say is that she gave me the crazy eye, and I knew it was over for me. She worked with me and flirted heavily, but then she got fired so I thought I was in the clear. Then she got re-hired, and I didn’t have the time to make a good defensive posture. She just kind of got me alone once and started kissing me. Then later, she texted me and it was all over.