(MF) Fresh out of College (Cheating, Age Gap)

First time writer so be kind.

Brad was 22, fresh out of college and starting his first job as a high school teacher and athletic coach. During his orientation with the AD, he was introduced to Sara, the athletic secretary. She was in her early 40’s and was absolutely gorgeous. It took all Brad could do when he saw her to make sure he didn’t stare too long.

Well the school year started and Brad was having tryouts, collecting paperwork and doing all the administrative things coaches hate. Although Brad was kind of enjoying it. He spent a lot of time in Sara’s office, turning in stuff, asking questions and trying his best to flirt without being over the top or creepy.

Brad was a good looking guy. He was 5’10” 185 pounds. Hardly an ounce of fat on him. Almost every morning he’d go in and see Sara. At first all they really talked about was sports, but it didn’t take long for conversation to become personal. Brad found out Sara was in a loveless marriage. She had two daughters. Her husband traveled a lot and was only home one week per month. He was a great provider and Sara really didn’t have to work, but working at the high school gave her something to do, but still gave her lots of time off. Brad on the other hand was single, he had ended his year long relationship with his college girlfriend before graduation since they were headed down different paths.