The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 1: Maybe We Should Devise a Game [FFFM]

*Author’s Note: This novella is a sequel to my first novella ‘Apartment 303’. You can read ‘Apartment 303’ on my page,* r/KellyBoomErotica *or on Literotica. Chapters for this novella will be released here sporadically, but are released daily on my page. Please join* r/KellyBoomErotica *to never miss a chapter and catch up on my other stories. A summary of ‘Apartment 303’ is in the comments. Enjoy!*

**- Chapter 1: Tracy -**

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I had seen the movie a million times before but Ferris Bueller’s words hit me like a ton of bricks.

The past eight months, ever since Kelly moved into Apartment 303, had been, for lack of a word more encapsulating, heavenly. We ladies lived with, were in a relationship with, and madly in love with a man named Kelly. The first few tumultuous weeks in the apartment, when us ladies fucked with Kelly’s head and heart, were anything but smooth sailing. Thrilling, yes. Erotic, hell yes! The months after our game was revealed, I floated through my day-to-day life, head in the clouds, blissfully content. When we admitted our game to Kelly and he confessed his hesitation of being in a four-way relationship, we explained that sometimes two of us ladies would go on a date, like any regular couple. But, up until spring break that never happened, us four roommates were always together. No one ever asked just one of the roommates on a date. We all constantly fucked each other silly.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 19: Apartment 303 [MFFF]

*Author’s Note: The Grand Finale! Enjoy!*

**- Chapter 19: Apartment 303 -**

Saturday morning had come and gone before I finally reopened the *Apartment 303* chat thread. My phone had buzzed mid-morning with a new message notification, but I had ignored it, left my phone at home, and went to the gym. I’d needed to burn off plenty of energy before I could face the rest of my day.

Not having my phone to listen to music with at the gym my mind focused on digesting all the information revealed in the ladies’ text exchange. I’d read through the entire thing so many times the night before I could recite it all by memory. Many glasses of whiskey was the only thing that shut my mind and body down for the night. I stank like a dive bar as a rode the stationary bike, the whiskey sweating out of my pores. Thankfully, not many college students used the gym at 10am on a Saturday morning.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 18: What The Fuck Is Happening?!? [MF]

*Author’s Note: Did the ladies find out about all the sneaking around? Is Kelly about to get triple dumped? Let’s find out. Previous chapters are at* r/KellyBoomErotica, *as well as other erotica. Enjoy this penultimate chapter, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 18: What The Fuck Is Happening?!? -**

All four roommates were participants in the thread. *Oh fuck! They found out. That’s why no one is home. They fucking hate me.* The first and only message in the thread was from Tracy and simply said, “Kelly, you there?”

My heart was racing and I thought I might throw up. For a second I considered not responding, but quickly realized WhatsApp indicates if a message has been read. *Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I wanted to confess to each roommate. I most certainly did not want them to find out amongst themselves. I look like a scumbag asshole.* Finally, with trembling fingers, I replied, “Yes.”

Blue checkmarks told me all three had instantly seen my reply. Jamie’s message came next, “Please read. Let’s discuss tomorrow.” Whatever slim hope I’d had that this wasn’t what I thought was happening vanished. *Stupid idiot thinking with my dick… Fool around with one roommate, bad. But then I couldn’t resist the temptations of the other two… Scumbag.*

Apartment 303 – Chapter 17: It Can Wait [MF]

*Author’s Note: Another weekend, another round of erotic experiences. What will the next week bring? Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters and other smut. We’re nearing the end, or should I say climax. So enjoy and DMmeYOURpussies and your DM me your climaxes!*

**- Chapter 17: It Can Wait -**

*How did this happen again?* For the third Sunday night in a row I lay in bed pondering how I’d fooled around with all three of my roommates. *I’m in some weird game that repeats every week.* I wasn’t spiraling like I had the night before – *Maybe cumming four times in two days with four different women shut off my brain’s panic button?* – but I was very perplexed. Spending the day with Charlie only amplified my confusion.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 16: Was I A Good Cumslut? [MF]

*Author’s Note: Breakfast in bed and video masturbation… Great start to the day for Kelly! What will the rest of his day involve? Previous chapters and other erotica can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica. *Enjoy and DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 16: Was I A Good Cumslut? -**

“There’s so many good ones in here,” I noted while flipping through a record crate. “Steely Dan, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Supertramp…”

“If you want to listen to any of them, the record player is under the register,” Charlie offered. I pulled a Stevie Ray Vaughan live album out of the crate and handed it across the counter to her. She dropped the needle on and Stevie’s unmistakable guitar riffs started playing throughout the shop. I noticed the only other person in the store start tapping their feet and nodding as they browsed through a crate towards the back. Charlie hopped up and sat on the counter. As usual, she was wearing a sundress and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was wearing panties underneath. *Jeez, even after mental torture last night, then jerking off with Jamie this morning, I’m still thinking about Charlie’s panties.*

Apartment 303 – Chapter 15: For Daddy [MF]

*Author’s Note: A short little chapter, but still yummy. Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *to get all caught up and read other erotica. Enjoy and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 15: For Daddy -**

The next morning I laid in bed rereading the entirety of *Untitled*. I’d finished it the night before, burning through the pages. It was so captivating I was actually upset when it ended knowing the rest of the story wasn’t in existence yet. I’d wanted to reread it so I could provide Charlie with plenty of constructive feedback. About halfway through my reread Charlie knocked on my door. She had pancakes, fresh fruit, and coffee on a tray when she entered. My mind flashed back to breakfast in Jamie’s bed. I shook my head, physically tossing my feelings of arousal and guilt off me.

“You’re too kind,” I greeted her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“A bet’s a bet. Sorry it took me so long to pay up.”

“I wasn’t holding it against you.”

She smiled, “I know. You fulfilled your debt to Jamie and I wanted to fulfill my debt to you.”

Arousal and guilt returned, but I managed to reply, “Debt settled, thank you.”

Apartment 303 – Chapter 14: My Ass Will Be All Yours Soon Enough [MF]

*Author’s Note: WowWee, what a special night! Will Kelly get even luckier the morning after? Previous chapters and other erotica is hosted at* r/KellyBoomErotica. *I look forward to your comments, and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 14: My Ass Will Be All Yours Soon Enough -**

Unlike Thursday morning, I woke up embracing a naked woman. The three of us all fell asleep together. After our ménage à trois we rinsed off and Cammi showed us to her bedroom at the other end of the apartment. There were no cameras, just a normal bedroom that felt lived in. It was cozy, messy, and smelled floral. We all crawled under the covers and drifted off to sleep lovingly holding each other.

Before I opened my eyes, not knowing which woman I was spooning, I lazily caressed her stomach and breasts. She stirred slightly and gently pushed her hips back into me. My morning wood was perfectly placed in between her ass cheeks. I began to thrust slowly eliciting sleepy moans. My eyes fluttered open to see Tracy’s wild hair on the pillow. Her hips started pumping up and down, her sleepy moans turned into lustful ones. I brushed her hair away and kissed her neck. Her reaction was the opposite of my desired effect as she rolled away from me. Her eyes shot open to meet mine. “Sorry, I thought you were enjoying that,” I said.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 13: Will You Film Us Fucking? [MFF]

*Author’s Note: Cammi is named after which fictional character? If you’re the first to answer correctly in the comments I’ll give you a surprise gift. Please visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters and other erotic stories. Enjoy, comment your guesses, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 13: Will You Film Us Fucking? -**

“Hi Steve,” Cammi flirted. I laughed to myself thinking about Charlie’s dildo.

“Hey Cammi,” the bouncer replied in a deep voice matching his humongous stature. “Come on in.”

We only had one drink at the hotel bar. Our conversation shifted away from Cammi’s job, but the strong flirtations continued throughout. There was an even longer queue when we arrived back at the club, but Cammi led us to the front, where Steve let us in. A wall of sound hit us as soon as we rounded the first hallway. The dance floor and bar were shoulder to shoulder, but Cammi gestured for us to follow her. We maneuvered up the stairs to one of the VIP tables perched above the bar. A bottle of vodka was chilling in an ice bucket on the small table, mixers and glasses next to it. “This is great, thank you!” I yelled over the thumping electronic music.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 12: Friends with Benefits [FF]

*Author’s Note: Kelly got to experience the pleasures of ass play! Will he ask for more? Let’s find out. Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters and other erotica. I love seeing you get off to my stories so DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 12: Friends with Benefits -**

Jamie was gone when I woke. I would’ve thought our midnight tryst was just a dream except for the lingering coconut scent on my pillow, the bottle of lube on the ground, and my tender asshole. I was a bit downtrodden that Jamie wasn’t still asleep next to me, but when I went to make breakfast I realized she had already left for the airport. *Maybe next time we can snuggle each other the morning after.* My thought of next time wasn’t even a question. I knew Jamie and I weren’t finished. *She might be the roommate I truly fall in love with…*

Charlie emerged while I was pouring water in the french press. “Good morning! Coffee?” I greeted her.

“You’re chipper this morning… You sleep well?” She said through a yawn.

“Yeah, you?”

“Not really,” she yawned again. *Fuck, did she hear us last night?* “I tossed and turned worrying about my creative writing project.”

The Executive – Part 4 [FM][Mdom][Fsub][Facial][Anal][CNC]

*Author’s Note: At long last, Part 4! Get your pants off, your pussies wet and cocks hard, and enjoy. Show me the aftermath by DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- The Executive: Part 4 -**

*Thump…Thump…Thump…* Each heavy footstep coming down the hallway made Erin flinch with excited terror. *Thump…Thump…Thump…* Regardless of the blindfold she had her eyes shut tight. *Thump…Thump…Thump…* So loud were the footsteps that Erin imagined her mystery man to be at least seven feet tall and three hundred pounds. *Thump.* Erin held her breath as the final footstep thudded just beyond the door.

*Thump…Thump…Thump…* Erin’s eyes snapped open only to see black behind her blindfold. *Mother fuck, he doesn’t want me. He saw me and left!* She ripped off the blindfold disgusted with herself for not obeying orders. *Why did I wear these fucking panties?* Her eyes adjusted to the dark and found the only light emanating from within the room. The red digits of the bedside alarm clock showed, “11:58 PM”. *Thump…Thump…Thump…* The footsteps faded down the hall. Bouncing up to her feet she padded over to the door and peered down the hallway. A large man lazily walked away from her. The back of his shirt read, “Ocean Front Motel”. *My mystery man works here?!?* Erin opened her mouth to call out to him, not sure what was going to come out – maybe, “Please come back and punish me.” Or maybe, “Fuck you asshole! You don’t deserve me!” Just before any sound slipped past her lips the man unlocked a door and pulled out a mop and bucket. *That’s not my man! He’s just the fucking janitor.* Her relief flipped to panic in an instant. She realized that her real mystery man would be there any second and she was not in position.