Lauren uses her safe word for the first time

Lauren stepped onto the front porch before she turned around and quietly shut the front door. Last she knew Levi was still fast asleep in bed.

The sun’s rays were just barely breaking through the tree line and a layer of fog hung close to the ground, a brisk breeze completing the morning. With a shiver, Lauren pulled her hoodie on, a black one with cat ears on the hood, shoving her hands into the front pocket. She had a backpack on, intent on using it to carry the groceries from the store back to the house.

She quietly left the porch, careful not to hit the creaky boards, and started to jog. The grocery store was just a few blocks away, but due to the trees, actually seeing the store wasn’t possible from the house.

Just as Lauren entered the store, someone shoved past her from behind, scrambling to get into the store.

“Turtle! Turtle!” The person, a woman, screamed.

Lauren raised an eyebrow, confused. Almost as quickly as the woman had stumbled into the store, employees were rushing to lock the doors and move the frightened woman away from the large pane windows that constituted the front wall of the store.