I woke up this morning thinking of you…

You had me pinned and spread
and whispered, ‘’don’t you dare close your legs’’ as you clamped your hand harder across my mouth. I could feel your beard and smell your breath while feeling you hard against my ass.

I squiggly and whined In anticipation.

With your other hand you balanced the weight of your body on your palm strategically placed right where my cheeks meet.

Flattening me you quickly spat before driving deep. I cried out against your fingers but you were in my ear again
and growled.

I relaxed my body to receive you.

“Good girl” purred across your lips before you lost yourself in the rhythm

Categorized as Erotica

Thai Massage #17 [F58]

We’d all just finished our working lunch & piled into the rental car. The VIce President of Activities suggested we all go for a massage & the President of The Company said it was a great idea. I was still a bit jet lagged having only arrived to Thailand two days earlier. Still i thought it was odd for us to all go for massages after lunch.

Being the youngest of the group (32 at the time) and the only female. I didn’t want to cause an issue, so said nothing. In the 90’s I was still finding my way…

The five (5) of us walked into a simple gray modern building and were greeted by a hostess. Once they confirmed we were there for a massage we were escorted behind a wall. I had expected us to be divided by gender, but instead we were led into a room with comfortable chairs & brought refreshing tropical beverages🍹

The chairs faced a large glass wall covered by curtains. A well dressed gentleman came out & explained that the “ladies” would be brought in & we should identify our choice by writing their number/s on the paper provided.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Tunisian [M]asseur and Me [F] — (Part 2)

**Part 1** is ➜ [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y978ri/the_tunisian_masseuse_and_me_f_part_1/).

…as I rolled onto my back I could feel the wet sheet beneath me.

My breathing had steadied as he held the top sheet up, as a cover to protect my modesty.

Once I was settled, he gently draped the cool linen over my warm skin.

He set to work on my shoulders & neck again…stretching me…and moved into gently stimulating the pressure points of my jaw as I instinctively moved… and leaned into his thumbs.

As he carefully folded the sheet down to expose my breasts and torso, my nipples felt a breeze, and I couldn’t help but respond attentively.

Warm oil dripped from his closed fist onto my skin.

…and soon he was grasping one of my breasts at the base.

He firmly gripped up and moved toward the center… swirling around my (now) erect nipple in a circuitous motion.

He repeated the same motion with my second breast.

I sensed his hesitation, as he approached my nipple, which was pierced and contained a gold ring… thus, the sensations were more amplified and even greater than the last.

The Tunisian [M]asseuse and Me [F] — (Part 1)

Many years ago, while working in the hospitality industry as a Hotel inspector, I was assigned to go to Tunisia in northern Africa.

I was working long hours — 16 hours a day, trying to open a hotel in time for tourist season.

I didn’t speak Arabic or French or have a work permit, but I’d been sent there by my employer to ensure that our hospitality standards were upheld properly.I’d been there for ~4 months, and hadn’t been on a date for just as long.

Just work, work, and more work.

I was so exhausted each night after work that I didn’t even have the energy to masturbate, despite being horny.

As a hotel inspector, part of my job was to ensure all services were up to par — and the best way to do that is to actually use the same services available to tourists — and so, I finally got around to booking myself a massage.

I took the last appointment of the night, which was around 8:00pm.

The masseuse worked out of a enclosed, private hut (a bit like [this](https://i.imgur.com/z87tKiz.jpg)) by poolside.

Tunisian Massage

I was working in Tunisia 16 hours a day trying to open a hotel in time for tourist season. I didn’t speak Arabic or French or have a work permit, but I’d been sent by my company to ensure our standards were upheld.

I’d been there four months and hadn’t had a date for at least that long. I was so exhausted each night – I hadn’t had the energy to even masturbate since I’d arrived.

As a hotel inspector, part of my job was to ensure all services were up to par. And so, I finally got around to booking myself a massage.

The masseuse worked out of a little hut 🛖 on the side of the pool. I took the last appointment of the night, around 8pm.

A medium build man, slightly balding, greeted me & invited me to disrobe as he stepped out. I was exhausted & looked forward to unwinding. I stripped to my white lace panties & slid between the sheets on the massage table.

Upon his return he set to work on my shoulders and I’m pretty sure I let out a groan. As he worked his way down my arms and across my back – I realized I wasn’t falling asleep, as I’d expected.

Categorized as Erotica