Double Team Time [MMF]

For those of you who haven’t read my [other]( [two]( stories, I had a FWB relationship with a local woman and her husband when I was in my last two years of undergrad. Head up folks, this one is going to be a bit of a long one. Don’t want to do the 1 part/2 part game.

TL;DR: A local woman when I was in college loved having a young boy toy around who had questionable limits. Varying amounts of showing me off to friends and sucking her husband’s cock.

This happened after the beginning of our Spring Semester my senior year. I already had a job offer in hand, so I was pretty much on the glide path to graduation. What used to be studying and partying on the weekends was just replaced by partying.

I was at a party when I got my normal “What are you doing tonight?” message from Amber. It was probably 11 pm on a Friday, meaning the party had started all of 30 minutes ago (God, I don’t know how I could do that back then). By this point in our relationship, the only way she could have been more obvious about what she wanted was by saying “Hey, let’s fuck” (which she did send on occasion, in not so few words). The nice addition in this situation was a picture of her on her bed, with just a bit of the duvet covering the important parts. She was really good at teasing a horny, young 20s man.

[MF] That Time I Played Naked Maid For a Week

For those who haven’t read my [last story](, my junior and senior year of college I was involved with a couple, Amber and Dave, for whom I was playing FWB with Amber (and occasionally Dave). I later learned that Amber had big time fantasies about having a college boy-toy to play with, and I guess I was the first one to make it past date one.

Over the summer I stayed in town because I was working an internship with a local company. What that meant is that I extended my lease on my shitty apartment with barely functional A/C. This town is in middle America, which gets hot as balls (and just about as humid). So I made a conscious effort not to be in the apartment any more than I had to. So when I wasn’t working, I was usually at a bar or the apartment complex pool.

Amber learned of my situation after one meeting (partied at a nightclub, came in her panties in a dark corner. I’ll tell that one later) and took pity on me. However, as with everything with her, her hospitality was not free. This was all part of Amber’s boy toy thing, she wanted to make me work for what she was going to give me, and I was all to happy to participate.

My First Threesome Experience with Some Townies, And It Was More Than I Bargained For [MMF]

So no shit, there I was during my junior year of college. Some buddies and I were in a shitty bar across the street from campus playing some pool. You know the type, one that seems to exist in any college town as part of some cosmic law. You know the place: décor that hadn’t been updated since the late 80’s, dull halogen lighting that only seemed to barley illuminate the place so you could find your way to the bar. The old and probably crooked pool table in the corner or off in a side room. Floor so sticky that there was a legitimate chance you weren’t walking out with the same number of shoes you walked in with. All of that to say, a total dive.

And it was our favorite spot.

For all of my Continental friends in the audience, drinking age in the good old U.S. of A is 21, and not all of our intrepid crew had reached that benchmark yet. So when one of the more ornery bartenders felt like the place was getting a little too crowded (more than 5 people in the bar), that’s when the ID started to actually get scrutinized. So unfortunately for me, our group of 5 or 6 of us quickly got whittled down to 2 while I was busy playing pool. And 2 quickly became 1 once the next venue had been located. In my mostly inebriated state, I hadn’t noticed the text messages.