Seduced by a married coworker [MF]

Long thread as there’s some backstory/ build up (if you like the extra fluff) but you can skip ahead to the good bits if you prefer as I tried to – – notate – – the segments.

– – – The setup – – –
At the time (like 2010ish) I was working at a small company with about 8-10 in office employees. Most of my coworkers were much older than me, and the only one close to my age was a married woman, I’ll call her Angie, who sat in a office next to me. My desk was sort of out in the open as my job was a bit of IT, Office Admin, Marketing, etc., so I was also the greeter for those that came in the office (literally the ONLY desk in the main area). So I saw everyone as they came in or left, and that goes for employees and customers (it plays a part).

[MF] Time I [M] slept with my best friend/roommates ex [F] [part 2]

Part 1 [here]( for those that want to read to catch up…

TLDR; Moved in with my best friend, James, from school when he transferred to my college. He brought his girlfriend, Shannon, with him whom he’s had an on/off relationship with since grade School. About a year into living with them, Shannon made a came out and expressed her interest in me, and that the voyeuristic experience that I was listening to her fucking James turned her on.

Part 2

After the exchange on the porch, Shannon and I never directly acknowledged it and just sort of carried on with our lives, especially since it wasn’t often that her and I were ever alone. But the relationship with her and James was in full scale decline. Most all of my interaction with her was purely about her relationship and to reaffirm my position that “she shouldn’t be blind to the patterns here, and find something/someone better that makes her a priority.” It wasn’t long (maybe a few months) past that their relationship ‘officially’ split. James had moved on to a new girl, Bethany, and Shannon sort of disappeared. New patterns set in, I heard new sex sounds from James’ room and life sort of carried on.

[MF] Time I [M] slept with my best friend/roommates ex [F] [part 1]

Some quick setup here; This was back around my 3rd-4th year in college. I was roommates with my best friend since grade school, after my initial year in the dorms, then a year in the fraternity house, and old friend transferred to my university and we rented a house. My friend, let’s call him James, was a serial relationship guy. Ever since grade school he’d always had a girlfriend. He and I were sort of opposites in that sense, as I just never focused on settling into anything until post college; just wasn’t a priority for me back then.James and I surely shared some crazy dating scenarios growing up, and especially with his choice in girlfriends.

I [M] finally slept with my married co-worker [F] in her house (pt.2)

This is part 2 from the first half [HERE (if you’d like to go read it)]( about a Stairwell Romance with my coworker. If you read the first half, I notated that after we had finally both physically made each other orgasm in that beloved stairwell at our office, we sort of fell back into our pattern of “we need to slow down or this could get dangerous” and back into “holy fuck I want you” cycle. What didn’t help (or did) was that every day at work we would chat and detail out the experience in the stairwell. It was like building us to an edge without release and then going home and handling it ourselves, or with our partners.

It had been a month or so since the stairwell incident and her husband had just gotten a new job and needed to fly out of town for a training trip. It wasn’t planned to have sex, but it was not-not implied that it was a fortunate timing for us to be alone, not in a stairwell (at work) or not in my car at the volleyball fields parking lot. I fortunately had some clients in town for meetings, so my girlfriend already knew that I’d have some late nights that week. We never planned anything, just left it open that “had we both been free, I was welcomed to stop by her house.” I didn’t hesitate to take that offer knowing all to well we were both greedy and wanted to get a taste of each other again.

An office romance story about coworkers [MF] and a stairwell.

This really is a story of two people that should have never done what we did, but we were consumed by attraction that overtook all reason and morals for an amazing whirlwind of sexual adventure. To set the stage, we both met because our office hosted these little sports leagues (softball, basketball, volleyball, all the sports I enjoy to play) and my sand volleyball team was short a player. A coworker that doesn’t play, but loves to spectate brought this girl out to sub in. She was shy, quiet, reserved, but she could play. I’m a fairly outgoing person, so I started to chat with her after our game because I was like “She must be on the team!” Not only because of her skills, but she was very easy on the eyes (blonde hair, blue eyes, sweet smile, soft toned body, perky tits 😍)… she looked a lot like Brie Larson. I needed to see more of her…