She didn’t just take my virginity, she tore it away [M23/F22] [fdom] [first time]

I was a virgin at 23. Unlike just about most people that age who still had yet to pop the cherry, I was very much okay with being a virgin. It had little bearing on my life, and I was actually grateful that I didn’t really have to deal with all the drama that so often comes with sex (though perhaps that was a rather pessimistic attitude.) At the time, I didn’t know if I was just saying that as a means of damage limitation, but I can now say without a doubt that I genuinely felt that way. Don’t get me wrong, I did want to lose it, but evidently not so much that I was ever willing to exert more than a soupçon of energy in its pursuit, and that rings true throughout this story. I was very much the object of pursuit, and the whole affair made me realise that secretly, that was precisely how I had always wanted my first experience to be.

My comatose girlfriend’s mother helps me out [M23/F45] [Cheating] [Public]

My girlfriend, Eva, has been in a coma for a couple of months after a car accident. Doctors say she’ll be okay when she wakes, but they’re not sure when that will be. Could be any second now, could be in a couple more months. Either way, I’ve been visiting her most days and just sitting by her bedside while I do uni work. Every now and then I’ll come in and someone’s already there, usually one of her parents. I know them well because Eva and I have been together for nearly four years now, so we normally just catch up. I miss her a lot and can’t wait for her to wake up, but I’m not massively worried since the doctors said she’ll be fine.

One day, I’d finished my lectures so headed for the hospital. It hadn’t been a great day; I scored lower than I should have on a recent assignment, and my workload was piling up. I even considered going straight home to catch up on some work but decided to at least spend an hour or two at the hospital. The nurses think it’s sweet that I spend so much time there and sometimes they get me free coffee, and that day I really could do with it. So up I went, and when I enter Eva’s room, I see her mother is already there.

Owned by a Vampire [M20/F237] [FDOM] [SM] [blood]

I can’t say an encounter with a vampire was even in the top 1000 things I expected to happen to me last Halloween. I mean someone in a vampire costume sure, but an actual real life vampire? Yeah it sounds ridiculous and none of my friends believe me, so I’m stuck with this story and no one to tell it to without being met with rapturous laughter.
I was at a club with some friends on the night. I’d come as a ghostbuster, which was great in principle because the costume was really amazing, but I was sweltering within minutes of entering the packed venue. Pretty much straight away I broke away from my friends and ventured to the bar because I needed liquid in my system fast. As I’m waiting in the queue, I scan the place, assessing the swathes of drunken partygoers in slutty outfits. That’s when I saw Aria for the first time. She was leant against a wall, not dancing or anything, and seemingly on her own. She was so pale I felt inclined to pull out my (homemade) proton pack. Her skin made for the starkest of contrasts with her jet black eyes and glossy straight hair. Apart from her snow white skin, pretty much everything about her was black.
Then our eyes locked. I don’t know why, but my stomach dropped and I felt very unsettled when her stony gaze met mine. There was something almost malevolent behind those eyes. I instantly looked away, intimidated to say the least. I should mention I’m not really the best when it comes to girls, and I don’t have much experience with them, but this girl didn’t just make me nervous; I had this sense of foreboding. Part of me liked it.
After a few moments, I looked back over at her. She was still staring dead at me, unblinking. Her head was tilted now, like a cat whose interest has been piqued. I reflexively look away again, physically unable to maintain eye contact. It’s as if my body is screaming at me to forget about her, but my head is caught in a tug of war, and her allure is winning. She’s incredibly stunning, and even the mere possibility that she might be interested in me excited me greatly. Sure enough, I look back over and she’s now making her way over to me. I start panicking and a million thoughts race through my head, which did nothing but root me to the spot.
This mythical girl approached me by grabbing my arm, firmly. Her nails dug into my skin and it actually kinda stung, not just with their sharpness but also the icy coldness of her grip. The height difference between us was quite vast; I’m average height, but she must’ve been about 5’2. Don’t be fooled, my height advantage did absolutely nothing for the power imbalance that was clearly present. She reached up to my neck with her other hand and pulled me to her level so she could whisper in my ear: “I can smell your fear.”
I’m probably not alone in having absolutely no idea how to respond to that, but it seems my body did. I was as terrified as I was aroused. There was definitely a lack of blood circulating in my brain, manifest in my stupefied gawk, because it had absolutely been rerouted. Eventually, I said what any horny bloke in a club says to a girl miles more attractive than him: “can I buy you a drink?” Shit. I’ve blown it.
“I have drinks at mine. Let’s go.”
With that, this gorgeous, mysterious, frightening girl – I don’t even so much as know her name at this point – is quite literally dragging me out of the club by my wrist. I’m thinking I should tell her that I need to let my friends know what’s happening, between thoughts to the tune of “this isn’t happening,” but sure enough we pass them. I didn’t blame them at all for the looks of profound bewilderment on their faces as I, me, am escorted out by who is easily the most attractive person in the club, within five minutes of having entered it.
She lead me briskly through the streets, maintaining her frosty grip.
“You don’t have to drag me the whole way, you know.”
She stopped. “You won’t run away?”
“Why would I run away?” I asked, genuinely baffled.
“Because you’re afraid.”
“I mean yeah, you’re a bit intimidating, but not so much that I’ll run away.”
“Good. You should know I’m a vampire.”
“Oh cool! I came as a ghostbuster. I guess that’s pretty obvious.” I never was one for smooth talking. “By the way, what’s your name?”
“You’re not understanding. I’m a vampire. This stupid holiday is the only day I can go out in public without people being suspicious or focusing their attention on me. And my human name is Aria. You don’t get my real name, and I don’t want to know yours.”
My head cycled through various scenarios, from “that’s ridiculous” to “she does kinda look like a vampire.” She watched me as I considered her words, as if reading my mind the whole time. Sure enough, she revealed an extremely sharp pair of canines. Was this really happening? At this point she’d managed to half convince me but I was now leaning more towards mental illness of some kind with the way she was evidently not joking at all. Shamefully, I just overlooked the glaring red flags in favour of what was pretty much a guaranteed fuck so long as I just didn’t say anything stupid. So I went along with it.
We arrive at her surprisingly cosy, if not lifeless, studio flat. I resisted the impulse to ask her why she doesn’t live in a medieval castle; I’d gotten this far without fucking up. It was starting to dawn on me that I’d been thinking with the wrong head this whole time, because if there was a chance this girl really was a vampire, I had quite possibly just willingly become her own personal keg.
“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in your blood. I’ve got plenty already.” She must’ve picked up on the worry on my face. My nerves were no less calmed when she opened her fridge, revealing nothing but lines of jugs with red fluid. She took one out and gestured to me. Yeah, no thanks. She takes a few huge gulps straight out of her jug, maintaining eye contact with me the whole time. At this point I truly wasn’t sure if this was just an elaborate joke or if she really was chugging back human blood while giving me the ‘I’m about to fuck the shit out of you’ eyes, but my now raging boner was a pretty solid indicator of where I stood on the situation.
Aria set the jug down and wiped a drop of blood from her lip, then sucked her finger slowly and sensually.
“If you must know, I only get my blood from bad guys.” She strutted slowly towards me, biting her lip. “Are you a bad guy?”
I could only stammer which made her giggle. It was the first actual sign of emotion she’d shown all night. She arrived next to me and pushed her body up against mine. One of her hands felt its way up to my neck and squeezed firmly enough that my breathing became laboured, and her other hand worked its way down to my crotch. She gripped tightly on my hard cock through my trousers and looked deep into me playfully as she did so. Tiptoeing, she leant into my ear and whispered:
“I’m going to turn you into a good boy.”
My cock twitched. I was trying everything in my power not to cum on the spot, and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It’s a miracle I didn’t. I go to grab her waist, but she instantly pulls away and slaps me around the face, hard. I don’t even have time to process it before she’s pushing me onto her queen-size bed. She grabs my face and brings hers millimetres from mine.
“I control you. Understand? You’re my fucktoy. You touch me when I say you can, you do what I tell you. If I haven’t told you to do anything, you lay there and enjoy me fucking you like a good boy. Nod if you understand.”
I nodded timidly.
“Good.” Aria kissed me deeply. I was almost scared to kiss back, but she did most of the kissing anyway. She shoved her tongue into my mouth and pushed me further onto her bed until I was prone, with her on top of me. She moaned softly into my mouth, running her hands through my hair frantically. In her mania, she must’ve caught my lip with one of those impressively sharp canines. I drew blood. I swear I could actually see her pupils dilate when she tasted it. If she wasn’t already ravenous, this turned her feral.
She began fervently ripping off my ghostbusters outfit, and I mean literally. I was too turned on to be annoyed at the time but that costume wasn’t cheap. Her hands explored my slim, naked body as she started kissing my neck. The iciness of her fingertips felt electric on my skin; it was surprisingly intoxicating, and I was far more sensitive to a cold touch. The tension of her fangs practically on my neck drove me crazy with arousal, knowing that at any moment she might sink her teeth into me and drain me of my blood. Thankfully, it wasn’t my blood she was interested in draining.
Finally, Aria took her own clothes off; she hadn’t been wearing anything underneath her extremely short dress. She revealed a surprisingly large set of perky boobs on a slim, petite frame.
“I want you to eat me until I cum.” Without even awaiting confirmation, she shuffled up and sat on my face. Her pussy was already glistening, and I wanted desperately to please her, so I went to town. My tongue ran rings around her clit, and she gently rocked her body along my tongue. Her moans were driving me insane, only increasing the passion with which I was eating her. For a vampire, she was incredibly sweet; I couldn’t get enough of her taste. I brought my hands up and gripped her thighs, feeling she was close to cumming. I was met with two harsh scratches along my torso.
“I didn’t say you could touch me, I said eat me until I cum, you dumb fucktoy.” Point taken, though I was finding disobeying her to be quite thrilling. I enjoyed the pain she administered, and she actually managed to draw a bit of blood with her scratches. She arched her back and began licking it up. It felt surprisingly good, and she was apparently loving it because almost instantly her pussy began to contract, and her moans grew louder. Her juices gushed and flowed on my welcoming tongue; neither of us could get enough. She stayed sat on my face and I gratefully ate her to another two climaxes before she sat up and turned to face me.
“I want you to fuck my face now. You may grab my head but only my head.” My eyes widened as I realised this will be by far the riskiest blowjob I ever have, and if it goes wrong, it will certainly be the last. My perverted self thought that was the hottest thing ever, and I eagerly inserted my throbbing cock into her inviting mouth. I scrunched a handful of her hair and began slowly fucking her mouth. It was soft and wet like any other, but knowing that she could swiftly relieve me of my manhood with one clench of her jaw is the kind of thrill I can hardly describe. Each pump into her mouth could have withdrawn a stump. I might’ve been the one fucking her face, but she still undoubtedly had all the power. She moaned on my cock and the vibrations travelled right through my body. I myself was moaning like a whore as she was keen to remind me at various intervals throughout the night. I lasted as long as I could, which wasn’t long at all, before I could feel the point of no return coming up, and I let her know. She responded by grabbing my bum and forcing my cock as far down her throat as it would go. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as waves of pleasure swept over me. I shot several ropes of my seed into her between gasps and groans, digging my leaning hand into the bedsheets, and she swallowed every last drop. It was unquestionably the best blowjob I’ve ever had.
When she pulled away, she didn’t look nearly done. She walked over to her fridge and pulled out one of her dozens of blood jugs, and poured out two glasses. I felt like protesting but I was rapidly approaching the point where my limits were going out the window.
“You’re going to drink this. I’m not done with you.” She handed me my glass and I tried it. It tasted like… well blood. It was disgusting, but she had ordered me to, so I was obliged. To my delight, as I drank it, my cock instantly started to grow again. I usually have to wait a while before round two but this was unprecedented. I guess the blood had to go somewhere. It somehow made the taste more bearable.
Once I was at full mast, Aria took my glass and set it aside before pouncing on me. She placed my hands on her bum and I squeezed, two big juicy handfuls.
“Just so you know, my pussy has fangs.” I did a double take. I know I said I was ditching my limits, but this seemed a bit much. I stammered, and she laughed. “I’m joking you stupid slut. Now lie down.” If it wasn’t already obvious, she had me wrapped around her frozen finger.
With intensity, Aria grabbed my cock and eased it inside her. I was immediately hit by how cold her pussy was. Tight, wet, and cold. A cold pussy doesn’t sound appealing but trust me when I say it’s the best pussy I’ve ever had. I don’t have much to go on, sure, but there’s really no contest. It was electrifying. Aria lent down and began throttling me and licking my face. It felt so good to be her slut, my sole purpose to be her own personal sex doll. She fucked me in such an animalistic fashion that I couldn’t control my actions anymore. I slapped her arse, not caring about any punishment. She moaned, clearly enjoying it, but she needed to maintain her authority. She slid down and sunk her teeth into my neck; not far enough to be fatal, but it left a mark. A reminder that she could quite literally have me for breakfast any time. It was such a rush knowing that she held that kind of power over me, and I was just her helpless tongue and cock. She picked up the pace, riding me with intensity. We were both panting heavily and groaning into each other’s mouths, practically in unison. We were both building up to a simultaneous climax, and what she said to me pushed me over the edge:
“I want your blood but I want your cum more. Fill me up like a good slut.”
Aria honestly opened me up to kinks I didn’t even realise I had. I lost all control, moaning loud enough that I’m sure anyone in the area could’ve heard me. She used one hand to strangle me and the other to scratch my side as I felt her pussy begin to squeeze my cock. We both rode extreme waves of pleasure as her contractions milked my cock. My entire body was ultra sensitive and I honestly think I blacked out for a couple of seconds. I buried my loads into her while she continued to ride me. My cum dripped down my cock as it seeped from inside her. Eventually our climax passed, and she hopped off and instantly began licking my cock clean. She made sure every single ounce of my cum was in one of her holes.
We both collapsed onto the bed, completely spent. She lent over and sucked on my neck for the trace amounts of blood that remained. I shouldn’t have been okay with it but I absolutely was. I looked into her eyes and for the first time, they looked satiated.

I thought I was a huge brat but she humbled me [23M/22F] [fdom] [sm]

Some people have a certain look in their eye that spells all kinds of deviance. Alexis was one of those people. The first time our eyes locked, I knew it and she definitely knew it. She looked at me in a way that one could easily mistake for contempt; like she could’ve killed me there and then. She obviously didn’t want that… kinda. I’ll get to that.

I met her at a house party and we instantly hit it off. I won’t get into that because that story is as old as time itself, but I will say that she flirted differently to anyone else I’d ever met. She was far more degrading than I’d ever experienced. I never told her this – mind you, it’s safe to say she figured it out for herself – but I’m a switch, usually sub-leaning, but that night I was feeling more confident than usual, so I was definitely in a dominant mood. She was a perfect complement for that too: much shorter than me at about 5’2, and a thinly-veiled sluttiness bursted at the seams of her tight, wonderful curves. We’d both had a bit to drink, so that definitely helped. I gave her back just as hard as she gave to me, and we escalated until practically every single person at the party was just about sick of the sexual tension we reeked of. People looked at me with eyes that said: please just take her back and fuck her. That’s exactly what happened, except… not quite exactly.