We enter the bedroom, water still dripping off our naked bodies. My red hair hangs wetly over my shoulders, some strands clinging to my face. Lucinda guides me along by the hand, my legs still unsteady after the orgasmic bath. As we reach the bed she pulls me around. I’m facing my friend, my legs against the soft sheets as her hands reach up to my face. Her fingers tangle into my hair, palms along my cheeks, staring passionately into my eyes. She bites her lip seductively, hazel eyes twinkling as they stare into my soul. A soft moan escapes my parted lips as she leans forward, her full lips pressing against mine. One of her hands leaves the tender embrace at my head and slides down along my back as our kiss grows deeper. Her tongue enters my inviting mouth, twirling around my own. It pushes deeper, and I wrap my lips around the probing muscle, sucking at it lightly. My hands grasp at her round ass firmly as we go back into the intense kiss. Wetness leaks from between my legs, my arousal at a torturous level. The hand at my back slides around and cups at my breast. She smiles warmly, her tongue back in her own mouth, bites her lip again and pushes me back. My hands slip from her butt wetly and I lose my balance, fall into the bed.
Author: discardedforthis69
Just Like Fate, Pt 2
I wander out into the rest of the house in all my naked glory. Freshly fucked, still a little tender and a little stumble to my step, but ready for so much more after experiencing my first mature cock. The thought of it sliding into me bare, without the protection of a condom I’ve always required still running in my mind, millions of sperm cells swimming inside me even after a light cleaning. Mixed juices drip down my legs with each step, my anticipation for more growing as I get closer to the noise in the living room.
The other men are talking and laughing loudly, clearly having continued drinking during the absence of their friend. They were gathered around an island in the kitchen, drinking whiskey and beers, and eating pizza. I strutted over, one leg crossing the other to better accentuate my strong legs and wide hips. Silence fell when I came into view, the ten gathered all looking me up and down with wide eyes. “Hey boys,” I said, trying my best to sound calm and sultry. “Where are your friends?”
Just Like Fate [MF] [Risk] [Age Difference]
From Writing Prompt: “Thank God you’re here! For a moment, I thought we’d forgotten to order a girl for the night!” They probably did forget to order a girl for the night… Must be fate
I can’t fucking believe it. The one time, ONE TIME I don’t have my phone charged, no charger in my car, of course it dies, and I run out of gas! I can hear my dad now, “You’re going to college next month young lady, you should be more responsible,” bleh! This is bullshit! So I procrastinate a few things, like refilling my tank. Or homework. Or submitting college applications. I’m busy! Now I’ve gotta walk who knows how far to civilization to get a little cannister of gas. Why did Melissa have to live so far away? And why did I have to forget to bring a change of clothes for after the pool party?! Oh well, maybe the two piece swimsuit will help me get a ride back to my car.
One Girl’s Hell… [NonCons] [Tentacle] [Futa] [Cumflation] [Lesbian] [Unnatural]
My entertainment for the night comes down from his orgasm, panting heavily with his still half erect cock lodged in my throat. I’m laying on the bed, saliva and other fluids from the rough face fucking spilling from my open mouth, dripping up my inverted head and dampening my hair. My back is pressed into the mattress, his hands firmly pushing me down throughout his climax, squeezing at my exposed breasts. One of my legs arches up, foot buried in a tangle of blankets, the other spreads across the bed dangling off the other side. The panties still covering my aching pussy are soaked, one of my hands beneath the silk material, two fingers buried inside the warmth. My other hand hangs loosely at the huffing man’s side, not really reaching out for anything in particular.
Hair Color, Pt 2 [GB] [NonCons] [MMMF]
Quick recap of the colors:
Blue=relaxed or content
Grey=embarrassment or shame
Green=jealous (actually makes sense with that one)
Pink=need (hunger, thirst, pay raise, etc.)
I spent the next several days locked in my room after ‘the incident,’ only sneaking out for trips to the bathroom, and brief excursions to the kitchen for food. The hotel manager was pretty understanding, accepting my excuse of “heavy flow girl problems,” and it was summer time so no classes to miss out on. My parents called a few times (per day) to check up on me, my mother commiserating with me, my father offering his services to hunt down and mercilessly butcher someone. He may or may not be on a watch list now…
My hair maintained a steady mix of white and grey, dominant color varying every couple of hours. I had deleted my main social media accounts, no more Snapchat, no more Instagram. Facebook and Reddit were a thing of the past. Too many dick pics (and pussy pics for that matter), and lame one liners from each app. Some of them were interesting – the one liners, not the pictures. Well, a few pictures weren’t so bad, if I’m being completely honest, but come on. No one wants an unsolicited dick in her inbox. Generally…
Adventures With Lucinda, pt. 2
First part: https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/gp6vvf/from_writing_prompt_your_bff_wants_to_watch_her/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
We finally finish late in the night, or would it be early in the morning? Ryan collapses face first onto the bed, drenched in sweat, arms at his side. He falls asleep quickly, satisfied at a job well done. And, truly, it is a job well done. I can’t feel anything but tingling below my waist, and Lucinda has checked out half an hour ago. The candles have almost all burned out, just a few stubborn flickering flames illuminating the hot room. My body is wet with perspiration and other juices, an intoxicating mixture of hours of passion. As I lay there, I try to think. Try to take an inventory. Who’s juices cover me, and how much did Ryan really get inside?
Lucinda said her candles were special, and they’d counteract my birth control? Was that possible? My body certainly hoped so as Ryan pumped what must have been at least four loads of cum deep into my aching pussy, two others into hers. How could one guy have so much in his balls? The thought of a cock cuming so much almost pushed me into another agonizing orgasm, but mercifully I fell into a deep sleep instead.
New Roommate
From Writing Prompt: “The room only has one bed, and I’d be a little uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as a girl I’m not having sex with.” “Fair enough. We can have sex then.”
Roommate needed, 3 bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms. Clean housemate. Apply today @thislink.
Pretty straightforward online ad for a new roommate. Right? I’m a game developer, the last game was fairly popular, and my apps do pretty well, so I’m not really struggling for money, but I do find myself looking for friends every so often. More and more lately. Had the crazy idea of getting a roommate, and maybe they’d have some friends, too.
I’m Max. Pretty indoorsy guy, keep to myself. Thin build, 5’11” tall on a good day. Thin beard, thick framed glasses, and an affinity for dark colored shirts. Not necessarily black, but navy blue, forest green, that kind of stuff.
My computer setup is my pride and joy, it has its own room! State of the art, all the way. Anytime something comes out that I can use to upgrade, I snag it. There are several countries with less computing power than me.
Weight Shifters [MFFF] [ORGY] [WP]
From Writing Prompt: Girls were thrilled with the supplement that promised to “control” the freshman 15, even if all it did was change where the weight *went*…
Hey, my name is John. Everyone calls me Jack, has since midway through highschool. Not sure why, since it doesn’t shorten my name, or make anything easier for anyone. I go to a division one school you’ve certainly heard of, on a full football scholarship, wide receiver. Means I run fast and try to catch the ball. I do it well, had a full ride from my choice of schools. I’m lucky, and not just because I can go to an expensive school for my ability to catch a ball, but also because of my beautiful girlfriend, Cady. Her actual name is Candice, her nickname actually shortens it. Makes sense.
She’s smart, got in on an academic scholarship, 36/36 on the ACT, I don’t even know what on the SAT, but really good. I could listen to her talk for hours, but my training keeps us apart more often than either of us would like. I have no illusion of playing in the NFL, probably used car salesman position in my future, but she’s going to be a doctor, or great innovator like the Tesla guy. She’ll change the world, even if I have to work so hard I sweat blood to support us both long enough for her to complete her education. I know she’d do the same for me.
Enchanted Hair
My name is Rosalita, but my friends all call me Rosa for short. That and because of my typically red hair. Well, that’s putting it a bit too simply. My hair does this weird thing where it changes colors based on my mood, or most prominent emotion. It’s usually no biggie, since I’ve learned to adapt and keep joy at the forefront, and wear shimmering waves of red atop my head… most of the time.
My other features are fairly standard, hazel eyes behind wireframe glasses, honeyed skin (that some of my girlfriends say they would kill for), full lips, broad shoulders, chest supporting a supple pair of c-cup breasts, a midriff with just a hint of muscle tone and rarely any clothing over it, and hips popping back out to complete my still developing hourglass form. My legs extend down a bit lengthy for my taste, but we all have our insecurities. That all rounds out my 5’4″ self. I try to consider myself your typical early twenties girl, just stuck with hair trying to tell the world what I’m feeling.
Misguided Wish
“Finally, I’ve found it!” After decades of searching I had uncovered the item at the center of so many stories, the genie’s lamp. It looked a little plain, but when I put my hands on it my flesh tingled, and my heart fluttered.
I had thought long and hard about my wishes, having so much time in my seemingly endless search. Unfortunately my first would have to be wasted undoing the damage of time. Most even simple tasks have become difficult in my seasoned age. Perhaps I could go with the hands of time being turned back? But then I run the risk of losing the genie, some of them are tricky…
My other wishes are for financial prosperity, and physical prowess. The wording has been worked out over the years, but both will have to wait for the first to be granted. I have to see what damage is done by the first. Who knows what treachery this genie is capable of? Or maybe he’ll be kind? Just helpful to the one who released him from his lamp. Sure… One way to find out, time to rub that lamp.