FM – Damien Black (Futuristic Erotic Crime)

Here are the opening chapters to something I'm working on. Let me know if you'd like more:


He didn’t know where he was, but the transporter had hummed along for nearly an hour. He already knew he was in deep, deeper than usual, but this meant bad news. Usually he’d try to run, a simple white and blue picking him up (if they could) before even ID’ing him, but this time was a different story. Both hands were locked in code protected, aeon cuffs, same as his ankles – the finest 22nd century shackles tax payer money can buy. The techies don’t skimp on the fail safes, not anymore, he thought. Suddenly, the ship began to shake. Vibrating, deep noise filled his ears and those of the four armoured men sitting in the back watching him as they hovered into landing position. After a moment of chugging gears and steam, they set down softly, the engine calming into an electronic hiss. The watch team told him to stand up. I was just getting comfy, he said. The back gate slid open quickly to show the ten guards waiting on his arrival, fully geared up. One stepped forward and signalled those inside to move out.