[M]y [F]irst Medical Roleplay

To start I am actually a doctor. Obviously, what I am about to describe I could never and would never do in “real” life. Rather this was a fantasy I had cooked up in one of my usual horny states.

I was in Orange County for a conference and staying in a decently nice hotel so I decided to finally throw this experience out there. I posted on several subs looking for a female who wanted to be “examined” by a doctor. As I will detail below that exam was to become more and more sexual as it went on. The specifics of which I had laid out in the now deleted post.

I got more responses than I was expecting but alas the only one that followed through was Jenna (obv not her real name). She was roughly my age (upper 20s), and was nice mix of asian and who knows what else. She was on curvier side but incredibly sexy with perky boobs in the pics she had sent me.