Christmas Party

She looked at the three outfits she’d laid on her bed as options. 
Option 1 was the generic “ugly Christmas sweater” with flattering jeans. Too boring, she thought. Option 2 was a sultry dress, the Christmas equivalent of a little black dress. Too bold, she wanted to seduce but not be a slut about it. Option 3 it is. A little holiday shirt that draped off the shoulders, a red and green plaid miniskirt, and black stockings with little black booties. She pulled out the accessories, elf ears and little sprig of mistletoe. Unsure if she had the nerve to wear them, she tucked them in her clutch and texted her coworker. 
“Ready when you are. Let’s get this party started!” she texted, though she was not nearly as excited as her text let on. She didn’t even like the people she’d agreed to go with, not really. She didn’t dislike them, but they definitely weren’t her chosen crowd, just the work crowd. Her desk-mate and group “DD” for the night was alright. They at least had some legitimate common ground, even if it were just appreciating dark humor posts on Reddit. The other two may as well have been Tweedledee and Tweedle-dumber. They rarely completed work on time, they were constantly gossiping though very little was ever true, they were probably the most ugly souls in the whole office but they thought they were hot shit because they could (would) sleep with anyone that wasn’t their husbands. 
She simply couldn’t believe life had landed her with this band of companions but she was determined to make the most of it. She waited for them to arrive as she thought again over her plan. It was simple. She’d seen time and time again, girls bolder than her, could walk into his office, spend some time, and walk out with a promotion. Easy. She had the power to move up. It wouldn’t have been her chosen way. She always completed her work on time, kept her head down, and was a model employee. But she knew, the only way up in this company was through him. And she wanted to move up!
He wasn’t the worst boss in the world, a bit misogynistic, but what man isn’t in a position of power in the bible belt? That was perhaps the worst part in her mind. How he could be so outwardly “Christian” while one of his favorite tasks was taking out the “young republicans” girls for free dinners to discuss their future. Did everyone truly think that was all that was going on? But tonight she’d have to be one of those girls. The thought turned her stomach. “At least he’s not ugly” she tried to reassure herself but it didn’t help. 
*Ding dong* the doorbell chimed. It was Ashley, her desk-mate, dressed as a snowman with her pregnant belly as a very proud middle portion and baby stick hands stitched on. 
“Oh good, at least someone else went with cutesy” she thought as she slipped her elf ears on and tucked the sprig of mistletoe into her hair. 
Getting into the minivan, it was obvious, that Tweedledee and Tweedledum had already been drinking. The music was already blaring, hair already falling down, and the van smelled like a Phish concert. They did, once again, solidify her decision to go with the cutesy elf outfit. The two of them had chosen sultry and given that they couldn’t even sit without showing their snatch, she thought a flirty miniskirt would be just right for seducing. Then, she would have to choose what and when she wanted to show herself. Bold and hungry for a rise, that’s how he liked them. Plus, if her actual crush spotted her at the party, she wanted to wear something that’d leave him wanting a little more. “I think I’ve done well” she smirked to herself. 
“Looks like you three have already been having some fun. Are yall sure a staff Christmas party wouldn’t be too lame on a Saturday night?” she asked while strapping herself in.
“Girl! You know I’ve gotta at least go sit on Santa’s lap” she responded with a wink, not realizing she also spread her legs. 
Santa, because of course her crush, the only actually viable man in the office, and one of Alyssa’s  “sneaky links”, would be there with plenty of the office women fighting for a seat in his lap. She tried to put him out of her mind, to not picture the day she’d walked in on them in the copying room, but it was proving difficult. She had another target tonight. The boss. 
Arriving at the party, it looked exactly as expected. The office was decorated with some lame lights that’d been obviously taken out from last year and barely de-tangled, a Christmas tree stood in the corner half decorated while the other half sat bare against the wall, the main course table was pitiful at best while the staff-brought desserts and drinks towered in comparison. She looked once again at her desserts, homemade cherry cordials and peppermint bark to go with either whisky or a holiday drink, and tried to set them off to the side so she could reserve some. 
Riding with the three troublemakers, they made a fashionably late entrance and in the main office Mrs Wynter could be seen scrambling to figure out which party game to do first. None of the staff seemed interested in helping or playing. They simply wanted to drink and mingle and do all the things they are not supposed to on the clock. Speaking of, it was time to mingle. She looked around to see Mark (the bossman) and find out what he was drinking. She spotted him chatting up the new office girls with an old fashioned in hand, going on about his lake cabin. 
“If you wanted to show off your cabin, we could have had the party out there. The lake isn’t THAT far of a drive and it would have made tonight a lot easier.” she thought to herself while taking a sip of her own old fashioned. 
Determined to not be forgotten, she walked right up to Mark and the two office girls. She had her competition cut out for her. The new office girls, of just 18, were practically living in his lap.
“I think Mrs Wynter was looking for help setting up the games” she said, knowing they’d be the first recruits anyway. 
The girls giggled their way away and she gave a sly glance to Mark. 
“They’re babies” she said, while waiting to take in his response before boldly adding, “besides, wouldn’t you like to get with someone who knows what they’re doing but doesn’t brag about their body count?” 
They’d always had a knowing and slightly flirtatious relationship but this was a bit further than she’d ever pushed it before, giving him an actual in. It would be a cards on the table kind of night. 
He fumbled a bit with his drink and dropped his napkin at the shock of the innocent little, keeps-to-herself, girl so openly flirting with him. She bent to pick up his napkin, letting her shirt fall off her shoulder so he had a full cleavage shot as she paused halfway back up to give him a devilish look. 
“Here” she said wrapping it back around his cocktail. 
“Dinner and gift exchange in 5!” Mrs Wynter cut in loudly. 
“Shall we go get our seats?” she asked, “You can sit by me. Keep your hand warm on my thigh if you like.” she winked and turned as she watched his jaw drop open. 
She chose a seat next to the assumed head of the table but on the more shadowed side, tucked at the back of the table. Sure enough, after chatting up the new girls on the way, he came to sit next to her. The two new girls shot her a dirty look but she ignored it to receive her three ride companions as they settled in next to them to get a good view of Santa. Slowly the rest of the staff filed in and then came Santa (apparently everyone’s actual office crush). 
“Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” he came in loudly spreading cheer to everyone. 
“How did he look good even stuffed with pillows?” she thought to herself before reminding herself of her other target. “Focus!” 
Mark stood to give his speech, “I know it’s not Thanksgiving but I still wanted to take a minute to give thanks for everyone here. I love that we’re like one big family….” he continued on and she paid little attention. It was so hard to not pick apart his speeches as hypocritical so she simply chose not to listen tonight. She sipped her drink and nodded on with the rest of the staff that seemed to actually by buying his bullshit. 
After what seemed like the longest speech slash awkward covert prayer ever, Mark finally took his seat next to her and began at his plate. They both ate and made small talk with everyone over dinner, wine and cocktails freely flowing. 
Finally, it was time for the gift exchange where eyes would be off of them. She was not used to being the seducing slut in the office and the pressure was beginning to get to her. Plus, she was eager to see how big a fool Alyssa was going to make of herself sitting in Santa’s lap. It was a weird tradition anyway that they’d even have a Santa but Bobby had been there forever and was always happy to do it. The only one that seemed to have a problem with it was Mrs Wynter who was a closet lesbian anyway. Being bi herself, she just liked to see cute women sitting on a hot Santa’s lap, those that would anyway. 
One of the new office girls went first. She had no problem sitting on Santa’s lap to get her gift but she did seem to have trouble making it back to her seat. 
“Nice to see they’ve not been thirsty for cocktails” she sarcastically thought to herself. 
Next was Alyssa who managed to flash her peppermint stripe panties to everyone but Santa who had to catch her from falling on the floor. She received a “back massager” as a gift. 
Christine was busy distracting herself from checking out Bobby but they kept catching glances of each other. She’d finally gotten engaged in conversation with Mark when she heard her name called to go up and get a gift. She made sure to brush the bottom of her skirt against him as she made her way. 
She eagerly chose to sit in Santa’s lap. Realizing the dinners wine was stronger than she thought, she had to fight to not flirt with Bobby. He didn’t make it easy with a quick hand placement on her thigh. She pretended not to notice as he fumbled for her gift in the sac. 
“So what is it you want for Christmas?” he asked, trying to buy more time. 
Perhaps it was the wine and cocktail or how good he smelled or how comfy she was sitting in his lap but she whispered in his ear, “You!…” before meeting his eyes for just a second as he handed over her gift. His eyes grew wider as he tried to hide his shock. She pretended not to notice and proceeded to open her gift. A bath set, of course. Nobody in the office really knew her. But that would change tonight one way or another. 
She got up suddenly to ensure Santa’s hand was still on her thigh so it’d graze against it as she rose. She fixed her skirt, making sure to give him a good view, and made her way back to her seat next to the boss-man who was looking absolutely ravenous. I guess the Santa flirting made him jealous because he wasted no time in finding her thigh with his fingertips. 
The gift exchange continued on and slowly Mark traced his fingertips up and down along the inside of her thigh, the tablecloth just barely covering the show. Christine had forgotten how good it felt to have your leg rubbed while wearing tights. Just thick enough that it gives the sense of security to wear miniskirts yet thin enough to somehow make the sensation feel as good if not better than bare skin. Slowly he worked his way up and between her legs, every stroke building the heat radiating from her. Her cheeks began to flush, trying to keep up with the conversation surrounding. 
He looked over at her with a devilish glance, knowing she was at his mercy at this point, and gripped her by the thigh. Leaning in he whispered to her, “Can you be a good girl and keep quiet or do we need to go to my office?”
The scenarios swirled around in her head. How far was she wanting to take this? What all would she need to do to move up? Would she need to keep doing it? She was legitimately turned on but she still couldn’t actually look at him and maintain it. Was she just turned on from sitting on Bobby’s lap? No, she certainly wasn’t wet until well after that. Was she too drunk to make this decision? What to do. 
Finally she let out a muted, “I don’t even know” trying not to let on that she was squirming inside. 
He gave another sly smile before responding, “Just keep quiet while I finish my drink and then meet me in my office when you see me slip out.”
“O-ok” she responded, finally understanding how so many girls had been tricked by him before. 
She didn’t have time to think before the grasp on her thigh moved up and slowly between her legs. If the sensation on her leg was amazing this was absolutely heavenly. It was as if every stroke was intensified by the pressure of the tights against her. He could tell too. He watched as her squirming intensified and with every squirm his fingertip met above her clit and rubbed slowly but with matching intensity. 
She looked to him for mercy but was met with nothing but another smile before he looked away to join another conversation. He really was going to just look away and rub her until she came in front of the whole staff. She’d never felt so exposed but she couldn’t help but be excited. With Mark still looking away, she made the mistake of looking up and catching Bobby’s glance who called her out with his eyes. 
It was all over after that. She bit her lip, tried desperately to nod along with the nearest conversation but it was all she could do to not audibly moan out. She looked shamefully away from Bobby, feeling her cheeks flush even more. Gripping her own thigh for any sense of grounding she let out a tiny whimper as she felt a gush of fluid fill her panties and her legs trembled. 
Mark, finally, looked back over at her smiling, evidently quite pleased with himself for turning the tables. With no sense of shame at all, he picked up his napkin and wiped at his lips to dab the last sip of his drink, but not before smelling his fingers just a bit and glancing up at Santa. 
“Don’t forget to meet me in my office. We can’t let you have all the fun now, can we?” Mark said as he rose to leave. 
“As if he didn’t have any fun with that” she whispered to herself, still looking down in shame. This isn’t how things were supposed to happen. And is he going to his office now or just going to mingle and brag? 
Finally, she looked up to see her friends completely absorbed with flirting with Santa. “At least they might not have noticed” she thought. “That’s the last thing I need.”
She glanced around the room to see if Mark had disappeared or was simply chatting up some of the office girls. Instead, it seems he’d gotten tied up in a stress-planning session with Mrs Wynter. They were busy arranging a table of different party games like pin the nose on the Rudolph. Only Alyssa and her friends seemed interested and likely only because they could wear a blindfold. 
“Focus” she thought to herself before going in to save him. Walking up she tried thinking on her feet and asked, “Is there anything I can help with?” turning mostly towards Mrs Wynter. 
“We don’t have any velcrow for the Rudolph game, the peppermint sticks aren’t peppermint, and the bartender is out of bitters. How does a bartender even run out of bitters?” she said bitterly but obviously on the verge of a breakdown. 
Again, trying to think on her feet, she quickly responded, “well, I’ve had too much to drink but the corner store will surely have all those things. There’s even a liquor store just across the street.” Turning now to Mark, “Could you make it down to the dollar store? I know right where the bitters is so I could run in for that quickly.”  
A sly look came across his face as he once again seemed shocked that the girl that couldn’t look at him seconds ago just made an excuse to get him alone. 
“Oh, that’d be just wonderful! You two are the best! Hurry back now!” cheered Mrs Wynter. 
Mark got a satisfied grin as he led her out to his car. She’d never been in his car but it was one of those sporty little cars that sat really low to the ground and made an obscene amount of noise doing anything. She sat quickly as he opened the door for her and almost slid out of the smooth leather seat. He came around and got himself situated, which apparently included unzipping his pants. 
He expected immediate reciprocation. They hadn’t even discussed the raise or position. “No, this isn’t right!” she thought searching a mind for a way out or a way around having to do this. After a moment she came up empty. He wasted no time in finding her thigh again and used that same free hand to find the small of her back. He used the pressure to push her over into his lap. She felt she had no choice. It was either get fired for an awkwardly failed seduction or reveal and suck her manager’s cock. 
As she bent over, using her hands to work his pants down a bit more, he moved his hand to grab the top of her skirt and stockings and begin to pull them down revealing her ass to the window. He rubbed his hand over each cheek, pausing to grab handfuls as he snarled like a starved dog. 
More drunk than she realized and wanting to get out of this situation before she once again had to admit to herself that she didn’t hate it,  she eagerly worked into his boxers and pulled his cock out. She quickly took the tip into her mouth and began to move her head up and down, using her hands to stroke when her mouth came up. Realizing she was trying to rush it, he used his other hand to grab her wrist and shove it away. She was to use just her mouth. 
She’d just begun to suck a little more eagerly and slowly, hoping to intensify every sensation so she could get back inside with a portion of her dignity still intact, when she felt a finger slide against her clit once again. Next she felt two fingers part her lips and one slide between, revealing the wetness she’d been working on. Her body betrayed her and she began to get even more wet. She let out a defeated whimper as she accepted her situation and sucked more eagerly than before, this time working her tongue along his vein every time she took him deep into her mouth. 
“Please just let me finish him like this” she thought. “I wasn’t trying to fuck him. None of the other girls actually had to fuck him. Please cum in my throat!” 
Just when she thought she was getting the upper hand and he laid his head back and began to moan more, she felt a finger enter her. Forcefully, he moved her over to get a better angle. He removed his finger, brought it to his mouth, licked her juices off, then brought it back down. This time two fingers were thrust into her and he used the leverage to force her deeper onto his cock. 
She choked a bit as the tip of his dick entered and expanded her throat. He began quickly thrusting his fingers into her, pausing when deepest to curve his fingers to her g-spot. She could actually hear her liquids gushing against his hand. Despite herself, she began to moan, which vibrated against his rock hard cock in her throat. He was still forcing her onto him, barely giving her a chance to breathe. She was realizing she might be more drunk than she’d realized as the ecstasy and sinfulness of the evening were quickly making her dizzy. 
She felt the intensity rise and knew she was going to cum again for him, perhaps even squirt all over his leather seats. This was more vulnerable than she’d imagined the situation but it titillated her instead of frightening her. Picturing herself, ass held high so anyone could see her getting fingers pounded deep into her, she felt on display. She liked it. She hated that she liked it but she liked it. 
Finally giving in to the feeling, she let her legs open and relax a bit more, ready to receive. This time she forced herself deeper onto him. He let out a hushed moan and she knew he liked the feeling of being in her throat as she moaned back. Her toes began to curl as she heard more liquid seep from her. Being allowed access to her hand again, she moved it to caress her balls. She felt her own spit lubricating as she massaged and finally felt a tingle of precum. Lifting her ass higher than it had been the whole time she began moving her head up and down, licking the whole length of his shaft she she took him into her throat again and again. 
Her body betrayed her once again and she began to shake, on the brink of orgasm herself. He felt this and used the opportunity to thrust in even faster. If her mouth hadn’t been around his cock, she’d have been having a screaming orgasm. Just as she was about to release her mouth to get air she felt his hot cum hit the back of her throat. She hated to admit she liked the sensation but her body responded for her as she began to freely pour her juices onto him, her muscles now convulsing as she eagerly licked up the mess she’d made on him. 
She peered up at him to give a devilish glance of thanks, hoping she could still work out her promotion. The sudden wave of ecstasy had her feeling dizzy and he could tell by her clumsiness in sitting back down.
“Why don’t you go freshen up and get some water” he suggested, “I can go get stuff for Mrs Wynter alone. We’ll continue this Monday morning in my office.” 
Stunned, wondering what more she’d signed herself up for but desperately needing water at this point, she simply responded, “ok.”
Hoping for a few minutes alone, she entered through the back door. Peering around the corner of the stairwell she continued until the last corner where she heard some chatter and giggling. She tried to make out the voices but the music from the party was now so loud she couldn’t hear anything discernible. She would have to pass them or go back outside. She licked her lips, ensuring there wasn’t any of her boss’ cum still on them. She checked her hair as best she could, made sure her skirt was straight and stockings fixed and made her way around the last corner. 
Turning, she saw Santa standing and inching away from a very drunk and giggling Alyssa inching forward touching him in any way possible. Her eyes met Bobby’s and she couldn’t help but display a defeated and jealous look. She’d just been outside with Mark, the misogynistic manager, and here was Bobby, the most handsome man in the office and actually a nice guy, with the trashiest girl just throwing herself at him. It was all too much and her head began to spin as she broke the glare and stormed through the doors to the main office. 
Making eye contact with no-one, she grabbed a water bottle and darted for the restroom. The tiles on the floor looked like a spinning checkerboard as she leaned against the sink, closing her eyes and wetting her face to regain composure. She took a few quick sips of water and opened her eyes with concentration to ensure she could stop the room from spinning. She had to go back out there and face the party, 
She practiced her nonchalant face and what she might say to Mrs Wynter if they ran into each other and  made her way to the party games, hoping for something simple so she could pretend to be mildly sober. She spotted a simple mad-libs game and focused her attention on that. 
The doors slammed open again, this time timed between songs so the whole room looked up. It was Bobby storming away from Alyssa who was grabbing at his arm to pull him back to her. “No!” he practically shouted while flicking her hand away. 
Defeated and embarrassed, Alyssa made her way quickly to the restroom. 
“I should follow her” Christine thought, “at least pretend I care. I don’t though. She’s committing adultery, and for what? Her husband is hot, if not a little boring. With how she acts though, can she really expect more?” 
Trying to deafen the friend guilt, she began to make her way to the restroom regardless but was saved when she saw their pregnant friend making her way. “Thank goodness for babies kicking bladders.” she thought. 
“Maybe now I can focus on what I really want. Bobby.” she refocused. “But will that risk the promotion, if that’s even happening, if Mark comes back and sees anything suspicious?” 
She decided she didn’t care. She was sick of putting all her desires aside. She would have Bobby tonight, she concluded. 
With some water in her (and after the scene with Alyssa) she made her way to a very frustrated Bobby as he sipped at another drink and tried to calm himself. 
“You ok? We can’t have an angry Santa” she joked. 
“Not really. And what was up with that “eat shit” look you gave me before?” he responded, obviously hurting himself. 
“Do you really not know?” was all she could bare to respond. 
“Know what!?” he asked exasperatedly. 
“It was all too much. Should I confess my admiration for him? Not right here, in front of everyone. Why did she ask him that?” she pondered. 
“C-can we go outside and talk? Privately?” she begged, adding, “I’ve still got a few smokes hiding in my desk if that’d help.”
He gave up reasoning with women for the moment and just shrugged and followed her to her desk and then outside. 
When they made it outside, he repeated himself, “Know what!?” he asked louder but more kindly. 
“Seriously?” she asked, getting frustrated herself, “Bobby, I have been absolutely infatuated with you since I started this job and I have to watch every other girl in the office get a chance. Alyssa practically lives in your lap whenever she can. You flirt with me all the same, you just never do anything and it’s driving me crazy!!” she blurted out. 
He took a minute to take in what she said, stammering in shock and frustration himself before responding, “Christine, do you really think I want Alyssa in any serious fashion? I’ve told her time and time again to lay off. That’s what tonight was about. I told her I’m done helping her cheat on her husband.” 
She too needed a moment after finally realizing he didn’t like Alyssa like that. 
“You know she’s not going to lay off” she responded, trying to deflect from her own emotions. 
“I don’t much care if she does. I’m done with her!” he said again. 
“Still, she’s my friend. Well work companion at least” she explained, “It’d kill her.”
“SHE shouldn’t be coming after me anyway! She’s married!” he shouted. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry” she apologized, hoping she hadn’t made him too mad about Alyssa.
He cut in before she could continue, “And now you tell me you want me. What am I supposed to do with that? If anything happens everyone will think I took advantage of you drunk. If I take you on an actual date, you’ll be worried about Alyssa. So seriously, what would you have me do with that information?”
“I mean….what if instead I were to seduce you….” she teased, looking him in the eyes then looking away. 
A smirk came across his face at the thought of the quiet office girl seducing him. He chose his words carefully as he gently used two fingers to move her by the chin to look up at him, “You really want me, then prove it.” He prodded while really looking her over. He took a seat on the step and pulled her by the hand to stand in front of him. 
“Alright Bobby” she responded, absolutely beaming. She put her legs around him to straddle and sit in his lap before leaning into his ear and whispering, “I thought I told you already. For Christmas, I want YOU!” 
She backed away to look him in the eyes before bringing her lips to meet his. It felt so right kissing him. She’d wanted this for so long! She ran her fingers through his hair as his hand traced her neck.
Slowly he began to move his hand down between her breasts when they heard a familiar voice, Alyssa, presumably looking for Bobby. 
Christine and Bobby’s eyes met in a look of panic as he scooped her up and set her to stand on the ground. 
“Stockroom?” Bobby suggested, grabbing her hand to sneak by any other windows, turning the corner just before they heard the door slam open and a girls voice call out. 
They’d have to sneak inside and to the stairwell without being seen but they could hear Karaoke starting up and hoped that’d provide enough distraction. 
Quickly but quietly they peered in the first door then around the corner for the stairwell. 
“Clip Clop Clip Clop” They could hear footsteps but at this point would have to guess at which way the intruder might be going. Both wanting to get to the basement they darted inside the second door and made it down the first flight of stairs before hearing the door above open and close. They stood, frozen, afraid of getting caught. 
“Clip clop clip clop” the sounds were getting farther away. They both let out a hushed sigh of relief as they finally heard another door close. 
They took the chance to hurry their way to the stockroom. 
“Screech, click” the stockroom door rang out. They both paused a minute, hoping they hadn’t been heard.
When no other noises except the baseline of the karaoke above could be heard, she quickly grabbed him by the hair and kissed him again. This time sucking his tongue just a bit and tasting whisky and cherry cordials. 
“He even tastes like Santa might” she thought. 
Christine let out a moan as she let herself go in the moment. Bobby took the opportunity to passionately but forcefully grab her by the hair and force her against the wall. Without realizing it, Christine’s legs wrapped around Bobby pulling him closer as he excitedly grabbed her under the thighs for support. 
Hovering right above his belt buckle she could feel herself get wet and warm again. She knew he’d be able to tell soon. Letting herself drop just a bit she stopped kissing him to move to his neck. She could now feel his hard cock through his velvet pants. It all felt so smooth against her tights. Again, without realizing, she began to hump into him, wanting desperately to be closer. 
She licked his neck just a bit before wrapping her lips and sucking vigorously. The feeling overcame her. She wanted this more than she’d realized. “Take me now, Bobby” she thought. 
She humped once again but paused this time to lick his earlobe before whispering, “Where do you want me, Bobby?” 
Stunned but filled with the same urgency as she was, he didn’t respond but instead lifted and moved her to a table. Setting her down and backing up a step to undo the buttons on his velvet shirt, she took the opportunity to remove her shirt as well. Then she hopped down off the table and bent over it. Lifting her skirt she reached up to begin at the tights. Bobby’s eyes grew wide as she revealed the top of her ass cheeks, the fat folding over the top of the lining. 
“No, stop” Bobby broke in. “Let me” he said as he set his shirt aside and came behind her. She felt his hand grab one side of her waist before he bent down to lick the other side. Closing his lips around her right love handle she felt a tingle run down her spine. He followed the signal and kissed along her spine. When he got to her skirt he used one finger to slowly pull it down, taking time to let the rest of his hand graze her thigh. 
Coming back up he rubbed her ass cheeks where they rolled over the line of the tights. Taking the line of the tights into his teeth he slowly began to roll them down, pausing to let his warm breath radiate between her upper thighs. When he got about mid-thigh he grabbed the tights with his hand and pulled them off the rest of the way. He grabbed the second ankle and moved her leg to hike up on the table. He then bent down to suck her inner thigh, biting just a tad as he did so. 
The anticipation was killing Christine. She felt as if she might pass out if he didn’t get inside her soon. She felt another surge of urgency go through her as she felt herself now begin to leak onto the table. Bobby eased up on her thigh but only to lick up it until he tasted the first drops that had fallen out of her. 
Letting out an audible “mmmm” he moved inwards until he found her clit, eager ready for him. He traced his tongue along it as she let out an excited squeal. Slowly moving from her clit to her pussy to taste her, he licked as she moaned in pleasure. She was so excited to have him inside her and he was so talented and deliberate with his tongue, it didn’t take long before she was soaking his tongue with her cum as she trembled and reached back to grasp onto him for support. 
He stood behind her and undid his belt buckle and let his velvet pants fall to the ground. Christine knew they wouldn’t need any extra lubrication but she didn’t want to let this event pass without reciprocating oral. She spun around before he could advance on her. Stared up at him as she removed her bra and licked her lips. She quickly bent to her knees and pulled down his velvet boxers, pausing to fondle his balls through the soft fabric. As his cock proudly bounced out in her face, her eyes grew wide. He was much wider than anyone she’d been with before. She wasn’t sure she could fit him in her throat. She was determined to try though. 
She began by licking along his lower abs. She’d never been with anyone who had actual muscles there and she lingered a bit just appreciating them, kissing the parts that gleamed in the dim light. Teasing him, she moved past his throbbing cock onto his balls instead. She licked her tongue along them, swirling and tracing between them. 
He let out a moan as she finally found the bottom of his shaft and slowly licked her way up it. When she reached the tip she traced her tongue along the underside and kissed a bit before finally taking him into her mouth. Her lips stretched to fit him but to her surprise she could fit him. Taking him deeper she inched forward and began moving her head back and forth along his cock. Usually she liked to move her tongue along a partners shaft as she came up but she couldn’t move her tongue. He filled every bit of her mouth and her throat had to stretch with every thrust to accommodate him. 
After choking several times but still eagerly sucking, he could tell she was having trouble and grabbed her by the hair to pull her off. He used the grasp on her hair to spin her around and bend her over the table. He traced a hand down her back, stopped to rub her ass and grip it to pull her cheeks apart just enough to slide himself between her legs. 
She felt the tip of his hard cock slide against her clit. He teased her a few times with this before slowly but surely sliding himself into her hot cunt. His girth stretched her as he entered and her cum poured out onto his shaft. With every thrust more collected. Christine threw her head back and moaned in pleasure. She’d never felt so stretched before and he was easing her into it. 
With every thrust she felt more of herself gush out onto him. His hands came around to grasp her by the waist, pulling her deeper onto him with every force. With the assist, she felt the tip of his cock now sliding against her g-spot with every thrust. She gripped the table in a mix of pain and ecstasy and cried out, “Yes, right there!” 
He proudly obeyed and thrust now with an intensity she hadn’t seen before. Her moans and screams filled the air as she bit her lip in an attempt to keep quiet. Her whole body began to tremble and she reached a hand back to grip onto his thigh and let him know she was close. He thrust several more times and just as she began to orgasm and her cunt to tremble as well, she felt his hand grab around her neck. Gently at first, until she responded with an accepting and excited squeal. With him using her neck now to control her whole body, she went limp as she gave in to the orgasm. 
He’d always secretly wanted her but her moans mid orgasm as she trembled against him were almost too much. His heart beat out of his chest, unable if he could continue on after giving everything. She could see the mix of attraction and desperation in his eyes but she wasn’t done with him. 
Spinning around, she grabbed him gently by the wrist and led him to sit in one of the stockroom chairs. She knelt down to lick up the mess she’d made. She started at his balls and licked around the bottom of them, tasting her juices drip off of them. Then she slowly slid her tongue up the shaft before closing her lips around the tip, sliding her mouth down, collecting as much of her cum as she could, coming back up, and proudly swallowing as she looked up at him winking. 
She stood before him and slowly lifted one leg and then the other to straddle him. Lifting her hips up she positioned her dripping pussy over his hard cock. She teased them both a bit, letting him enter just an inch or two, before finally dropping her hips to accommodate him fully. A huge grin came across her face as she saw him moan out in pleasure. 
She moved her hips in circles and up and down along his cock as she watched his face for which moves he liked best. Once she figured out which his favorite was she continued with that motion and leaned into him to once again suck his neck. Leaning forward pressed her clit into him and she felt her hips thrust more vigorously to fill in this new sensation. 
She sucked onto his neck and moaned out to let him know she was near again. Trying to keep the same motion, she gripped him by the hair, moving her hips by pure force of will at this point. She felt a twinge go through his dick and hoped he was close too. He let out a moan to let her know he was. It was her que to use every last bit of energy. Desperately and excitedly she thrust her hips into him, still circling. Her legs began to shake again, she let out a whimper of desperation, and without thinking she blurted out, “help me, please”
He took the que to stand, gripping her by her ass, and thrusting himself into her deeper than before. She cried out in a perfect mix of pain and pleasure as finally she felt his hot cum shoot into her, dripping out onto them both as he softened his thrusts and set her down. 
They both looked at each other and shared a secret glance before cleaning themselves up. As she collected her clothes and began getting dressed she asked, “So, what are we going to do about Alyssa?” hoping he could pick up on the joke in her voice. 
“Nothing. Not tell her” he responded smiling. 
He gave her a ride home and made sure to get her in safely. And nobody expected a thing Monday, except for a mysterious hickey, that is. 

Reunion: A Blackmail Erotica {F30} {M32} TW-Coersion/blackmail


Please check out my latest story of blackmail. I’m looking to get into writing again and could use any and all criticisms. Thanks in advance and enjoy!