[FM] Free to Serve: Chapter 7

Brett said I had to go to school, but he didn’t say anything about having to go to class. I found a quiet corner in the library and fell asleep. I let one of my textbooks lean across my chest, so it looked like I had simply fallen asleep studying if somebody I knew recognized me. Fortunately, that wasn’t a bridge I had to cross.

After the nap, I walked back to my apartment. The sun was out and soothed the bite of the cool autumn breeze. My head felt much more clear. While I still knew what was happening to me was very wrong, I tried to look at the situation logically. Under different circumstances, I would probably have slept with Brett anyway. If he was just some cute guy who offered to buy me a drink at the bar, there is no way I wouldn’t have turned it down. Other than finding out that he was a misogynistic asshole, what was really so different about our current situation? Instead of a cheap, $3 drink, I was getting to stay in a $2500 apartment rent-free.

[FM] Free to Server: Chapter 6

Of course, sleep never came. How could it? I stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting for Brett to come back in. At precisely six a.m. Brett opened the door to my bedroom. “How are we feeling this morning?” he asked.

I wanted to tell him a million terrible things, but my mouth and attitude had done nothing but dig me into a deeper hole than I was in in the first place. I swallowed my pride and decided if I at least wanted to get untied, I would have to behave. “Just a bit tired,” I said in a sweet voice. “I didn’t get any sleep.”

Brett smiled. He looked shockingly bright-eyed since he had been awake with me most of the night. “I’m not really surprised to hear that. I assumed as much. I really am sorry about last night. I think you have a better understanding of the nature of our arrangement now, though. Besides, if you keep your end of the deal, I am sure you will get just as much pleasure out of our little deal as we will.”

[FM] Free to Serve: Chapter 5

I whimpered and pleaded as I felt the tip of his cock push into my ass. I could feel myself start to stretch in a way I had never felt before. The tension in my bound body only allowed him to penetrate just past the head of his throbbing cock. Still, I couldn’t hold back a cry of pain. He looked down on me with an evil smile as he continued his short thrusts. I could feel my tight asshole start to stretch to accommodate his massive girth. Brett spit again, more for his comfort than mine. I started screaming. It wasn’t something I could help. The pain from his cock elicited the natural response from my body to cry out. He put his hand over my mouth, clamping my jaw shut. I bit his finger.

The moment I did it, I realized how badly I fucked up. I froze in fear as he pulled his hand away and let out a grunt of pain. He glared down at me, his eyes full of anger. Then, his hand swung forward and connected with my cheek, leaving behind a brutal singing sensation. I had never been slapped before, and I lay there stunned. Not that I could have moved anyway.