The Matriarchy- Part 5, Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Part 1- [](
Part 2- [](
Part 3- [](
Part 4- [](

The Barista- (Draft)

The cello complimented the piano elegantly as the smooth rolling jazz sank into my ears, calming my soul. I sat back in the comfort of my chair, with content and pleasure knowing that I needed is my mind to be content in this world. The white noise of the café complimented the calmness of the environment, to be around so many people speaking, yet to not notice, it is an amazing phenomenon. The coffee they serve her is so delightful, it is not supreme, but it is satisfying, one cream and one sugar, that is all I need. I slowly sip the creamy black pleasure as the almost erotically satisfying taste dances on my tongue, and my taste buds which are resting so patiently are enlightened to the chemical mixture of organic enjoyment. As my hard wet dripping tongue licks up another drop of creamy coffee I smile with pleasure. As my taste buds start fucking the sweet, yet bitter micro-orgy of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon I relax and enjoy the contentment of my environment.

Categorized as Erotica

The Matriarchy- Part 1

The sticky hair wax feels cool around my fingers, yet the subtle masculine smell has always brought a smile to my face. Even though this is now becoming routine for me, the familiarity of getting ready is calming. I dip my finger into the wax, then pull it out, then dip it back it, then pull it back out. Constantly I roll my fingers around in it and let it get all in-between my nails, as I dip my fingers in and out of the hair wax, penetrating it with force. I do this a few more times and as I do so with my other hand I brush my crotch slightly, hardening my dick underneath my dress pants. I look up at my own reflection in the mirror and connect the wax with my smooth hair. I enjoy the feeling of the wax synergistically combining with the fine texture of my hair, it makes me happy. As I slick my hair back, my minds eye begins to wonder as I start to remanence about the past.

The Devil Within

There she was again staring straight up at me, tempting me, forcing me to lust. What a she-devil she was, she knew exactly how to get underneath my nerves. I would dress code her, and force her to wear a sweater, yet she would still corner me against the wall dissecting my mind. Forcing me to step away from God and to give in to my unholy desires. She knew it too, I could tell in her eyes, the way she would look up at me, the way she would twinkle her eyes lashes, I couldn’t force her to stop wearing makeup, or to stop looking at me the way she does, or any of it. I was stuck. I was stuck sinning at night and I couldn’t escape it. Well, at least she won’t be passing, even though she aces all her exams she’s lazy, and hasn’t handed in one assignment to date. Tests alone are worth only forty percent of her grade, the other sixty percent are assignments. I just need to get through this last month and I am free of her.

Sex Therapy

My heart beats faster, I don’t want to talk about it, but I have to talk about it. Facing the injustice, the unfairness, the burden that is on my shoulders is absolutely overbearing. The mechanical grinding in my head, the pulsations its too nerve wrecking, the anxiety is real.

I turn the doorknob and walk in. I look down at the receptionist and mumble, “Hi I have an appointment with Erin.”

The receptionist looks up with a bubbly smile, “What was your name?”

“It was Andrew.”

She exclaims, “Oh Andrew, welcome, I’ll sign you in. You can take a seat on the chair over there and help yourself to any coffee if you’d like.”

“I am ok with the coffee, but thank you,” I reply as I go to sit down.

I look around to get my bearings. Apart of me wants to stay invisible here, and so I sit in a way that people can’t see me if they look in the door. Yet at the same time I am actually a little excited to see her too, she was very sweet on the phone last time, and was so supportive of me. Dealing with these issues is so hard on me and she listened, she talked a little too much, but she listened and let me get it out. All my secrets, all my anxieties, she actually listened to me. The true me, the one without any secrets. To be truly heard is a blessing, that happens much too rarely, which I never take for granted.