About a week passed since the “incident.” Neither of us brought it up. In my particular case, I didn’t want to her to feel obligated since she was staying at my place, I just figured pure lust got the better of us that day, and that was that.
I had been working a lot so I hadn’t even seen her much, but I couldn’t shake the experience from my head. I nutted to the memory of it three times in the shower over the course of the next three days.
Our conversations when we did see each other were normal though, as they had been preceding the event. I also continued getting dressed in the bathroom after showering. Until the following Friday.
I worked my regular shift and got home at 4 in the afternoon. She wasn’t there, so I had my beer and then went to shower. I finished, threw on a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt and went into living room. Ashley had come home but I hadn’t heard her. She had the sofa bed set up as a bed already, and had rented a movie from our local video store that she thought we could watch together that night. I said sure.