The Taylor Family 2 [A lesbian incest romance. Yet more romance and build up here and almost no sex really. Don’t worry – the fucking starts in part three.]

The Taylor sisters had risen late this Saturday morning of course, but with no school to attend or appointments to keep that was perfectly acceptable.

After the bizarre events that had taken place the day before, the two teenagers had made plans to spend this day together in the hopes of getting things back to normal between them. To that end, they were going to visit the shopping mall and see what there was to do there when you don’t have a whole lot of cash.

If this day was supposed to be all about proving what a normal pair of siblings these girls really were though, it had not gotten off to a very promising start.

Both Kristen and Ruth had carefully prepared for this day as if they were going out on the most important date of their young lives. They had bathed themselves and styled their hair, applied some make-up and dabbed on a little perfume. Only when it came to dress did the girls manage to hold back, resisting the temptation to dress up in favor of keeping to casual slacks, T-shirts, jackets, and sneakers.

The Taylor Family 1 – The End [My version of a lesbian incest romance. Warning: Slow build up here and little actual sex]

**This is another of my stories that was too long to fit into a single post and had to be broken in half. Sorry, I guess my fingers get talkative sometimes. See the first part of this** [here.](

The hour was late, the lights were turned out, and the girls had gone to bed, but neither of them was sleeping.

An effort had been made to keep everything looking as normal as possible when their mother had come up to give them their usual goodnight kiss, but the tension between the two teenagers was palpable. Ruth was certain that her mother must have sensed it – who could have missed it, after all? – but supposed that she had probably written it off as yet another spat. It was just as well as neither of the girls was prepared to even try to talk this out with her.

Lying in her bed now and staring in silence at the ceiling, the fact was that she could not have slept at that point had her life depended on it thanks to all the turmoil. It was plain to her that her sister was having the same problem as she could hear Kristen grumbling to herself on the other side of the room, tossing and turning over in her own bed.

The Taylor Family 1 – The Beginning [My version of a lesbian incest romance. Warning: Slow build up here and little actual sex]

**This is another of my stories that was too long to fit into a single post. I just couldn’t stop writing, I guess. The rest of the story will be in a different post.**

“I can’t believe you said yes to a date with that clod.”

Seated at her little dressing table, nineteen year old Kristen Taylor tried her best to ignore that jibe. With so much yet to do before she was ready to go, the last thing she wanted to do right now was take the bait her sister was offering. It was a wasted effort as the other girl always found a way to penetrate her defenses, yet she felt that it was important to at least try.

Kristen focused her attention on combing out her long auburn hair, counting each and every smooth stroke from her very best brush and admiring how lustrous her hair looked since she started using that new shampoo. She fretted over what make-up to wear, wanting to highlight her bright green eyes and make her full lips look perfectly kissable while somehow making her nose look a little smaller. She plotted out what clothes she should wear, wanting some jeans that would show off her slender figure, nice legs and tight butt, and a top that would make her small but perky breasts seem at least a little bigger.

Charlene [Lesbian incest, Aunt and Dom Niece]

With the entire family gathered there to celebrate Mawmaw and Pawpaw’s wedding anniversary that summer morning, the Parker home was not merely packed with people, it was positively overflowing.

It was a scene of bedlam.

The kids tore through the old two-story house with wild abandon, showing that complete disregard for their own safety and that of the people they might crash into that only a small child would be capable of. Laughing and squealing and shrieking at each other so loudly that people at the other end of the house were wincing at the volume, they were making their way towards the backyard where a small pack of very playful puppies was waiting with their mother for them.

As the kids rushed along the narrow hallway that would take them to the kitchen and the back door, nineteen year old Charlene Costello and everyone else who had the misfortune to be in their way had to dive to one side to avoid being flattened by the torrent of preteen boys and girls. Having nearly been forced to climb up the walls to escape them, the young woman shot a hostile look and a few muttered curses after them even as they vanished from sight.

Wedding Daze – The End [Mother / Son Incest]

Too long a story. Had to break this one in half!

When the Edwards family arrived at the side of the pool, Adam’s attention was drawn immediately to a pair of teenagers who were stretched out on lounge chairs in barely there bikinis, working on their tans. Slowly but surely, trying his very hardest to make it look like he wasn’t really checking out some girls who were each young enough to be his daughter, he angled over in their direction for a better look.

Donna and Jeff hardly noticed as he wandered away from them, however. As far as these two were concerned, the entire world had shrunk to just the two of them.

As they settled into the cool, clean water, the couple made a point of sticking very close to each other, wandering about the pool in slow meandering circles. They kept themselves at a respectable distance at first as they shared a quiet, intimate conversation and tried to sneak lingering peeks, but drew closer and closer over time as they orbited each other.

Wedding Daze – The Beginning [Mother /Son Incest]

**Too long a story. Had to break this one in half!**

Exhausted, dirty and dripping with sweat, Jeffery Edwards came shambling back into the house that morning.

Summer had descended and temperatures were on the rise outside, meaning the sensible people were sticking to the comforts of air conditioning. Jeff would have loved it if he could do that too, but he had been assigned the chore of keeping the lawn mowed and so he had no choice. It was work best done early to avoid as much of the heat as possible, but it still left him overheated by the time he finished his work.

Sitting at the kitchen table where she had been dealing with the bills, Donna looked up at her disheveled son with some sympathy.

“All finished?”

Breathing hard, he could only answer with a weary nod, wiping his brow.

“Thank you, honey. You can go and get cleaned up in a moment. For the time being, why don’t you go and sit down for a little while, okay? It’ll give you a chance to cool down and catch your breath. I’ll bring you a glass of ice water in just a moment when I get done paying the bills.”

Pushing My Luck [Warning: Mother / Son Incest]

Before you start reading this, be warned that it is about an incestuous relationship between a mother and her eighteen year old son. Stop reading now if that isn’t something you’re interested in reading about.

**Pushing My Luck**

Summer vacation was winding down fast, taking with it the last vestiges of freedom that my sisters and I had been so thoroughly enjoying. All too soon, I would be starting my senior year in high school and it would be back to dull grind of boring routine.

“Samuel T. Young, you need a haircut, young man!”

Sick and tired of the shaggy look I was sporting, my mother took me by the arm that Sunday and propelled me into the kitchen. A dining room chair had already been prepositioned on the linoleum tile there, I discovered. On the corner of a conveniently nearby counter, meanwhile, were the rest of her supplies – a pair of scissors, a comb, a squirt bottle loaded with water, and an old blanket.

She pushed me into the chair and quickly had me wrapped up in the blanket, securing it with a clothes pin.

The Guidance Counselor [Age Gap, M/F]

Jonathan Gilchrist sat at his desk, his head in his hands as he grumbled quietly to himself.

He was a trained psychiatrist! He had attended one of the best schools in the country and had a list of professional credentials a mile long! Right now, he was supposed to be sitting in some oak paneled corner office with a great view while dressed in a corduroy jacket with patches on the elbows, listening to the rich and famous whine about how unhappy their childhood had been!

How had he then ended up as a high school guidance counselor?! Why was he sitting here trying to shepherd spoiled, snotty children through their ridiculous teenage dramas?

Damn economy . . .

As far as he could see, the only saving grace to all of this was that he got to spend so much time around a veritable army of drop dead sexy girls, each and every one of them in the prime of life and armed with perfect young bodies. Even this was bittersweet though – not merely because he certainly wasn’t allowed to touch any of these girls, but also because he had to sit here and listen to them talk about how their lives had been ruined because their mothers wouldn’t buy them the right color of nail polish.