Car Trouble, Part the Second [Lesbian ghost story] – Yes, I know Halloween was last month …

There was an unbridled intensity to their desire for each other that Lisa could not possibly have anticipated for the simple reason that she had never felt anything like it before. As far as she was concerned, it was like their very souls were merging and she was finding the whole experience absolutely intoxicating.

The two girls then made their way over to the car, but since they held onto each other tightly the whole time it had to be made in an awkward shuffle. They did separate then however and Lisa leaned back heavily against the vehicle as Amy slowly and steadily kissed her way down her body towards her bosom.

Lisa couldn’t help but cry out loudly as the other girl took one of her pert breasts firmly in each hand and started to suck and nibble at the fat nipples. Once again, Lisa’s legs suddenly seemed to be unable to support her weight and she feared that she might slide down the side of the car and land with a very solid thump right on her ass, but somehow she managed to stay upright as Amy continued her onslaught.

Car Trouble, Part the First [Lesbian ghost story] – Yes, I know it’s way late for Halloween …

Hunched forward over the steering wheel of her car, peering through the windshield into the seemingly impenetrable darkness, Lisa Hatcher could have kicked herself for choosing to come this way.

It was Halloween and she had gone to a party with a bunch of her friends this evening, choosing to stay out a little past her curfew rather than risk losing the hunk she had almost reeled in, but that had earned her a call from her father. The old man had pitched a world class fit just because she was a couple of hours late getting home, practically melting her cell phone with all of his heated griping. To defuse the situation, she had realized that she needed to get home fast before he started thinking about grounding her or something and this road was certainly the quickest way to get home.

Unfortunately, it was also a very narrow and poorly maintained strip of asphalt that wound it’s way through the dense, almost primeval forest that occupied the edge of town.

Buying Diana [Lesbian]

Feeling very nervous as she stood backstage with the others, Diana Watson had so many butterflies in her stomach by then that she was deathly afraid that she might throw up at any moment.

Uncomfortably squeezed into her very best dress – one that she had not worn for many years, since before a sedentary life added more than a few extra pounds to her once slender figure – Diana had to work hard to resist the impulse to run a restive hand through the hair she’d had professionally coiffed at the beauty parlor earlier that day. She had gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to look her absolute best for this event and didn’t want to ruin it, though she was quite sure the effect had long since been spoiled by her sweating and nervous fidgeting as she awaited her turn.

Cringing at the rolling rumble of the crowd, the rhythmic chant of the auctioneer and the gunshot-like bangs of the gavel, Diana resisted the urge to take another peek through the curtains as she knew that it would only put her even more on edge.

Pushing My Luck [M/F] [Mother and son incest]

Summer vacation was winding down fast, taking with it the last vestiges of freedom that my sisters and I had been so thoroughly enjoying. All too soon, I would be starting my senior year in high school and it would be back to dull grind of boring routine.

“Samuel T. Young, you need a haircut, young man!”

Sick and tired of the shaggy look I was sporting, my mother took me by the arm that Sunday and propelled me into the kitchen. A dining room chair had already been prepositioned on the linoleum tile there, I discovered. On the corner of a conveniently nearby counter, meanwhile, were the rest of her supplies – a pair of scissors, a comb, a squirt bottle loaded with water, and an old blanket.

She pushed me into the chair and quickly had me wrapped up in the blanket, securing it with a clothes pin.

This was standard operating procedure around our place.

St. James Baptist Church [M/F Incest] – The pastor and his wife need help preparing for the days services

It started out as just another Sunday morning for the Peterson family with all of them together at the St. James Baptist church.

A tall, gangly sort of man with a receding hairline, dressed in his best blue suit and wearing a pair of glasses, Thaddeus Peterson was the pastor of the church. Holed up in his little office, sitting in his high backed chair, he was digging desperately through the open briefcase lying on his desk but not finding what he was looking for.

When he finally gave up on his search, grumbling irritably to himself, he instantly grabbed his cell phone and called up his wife.

“It’s me, honey. Listen, it looks like I’ve gone and forgotten all of the notes I made for this mornings sermon. I got them out to make a few revisions last night and must have left them on the desk. Do you think you could run home and get them for me?”

Room 222, Part Two [M/F] Teachers and students and a good time.

Jack was walking so fast through the school’s seemingly endless, virtually identical hallways that he might as well have been jogging, giving himself what he would later describe as the best workout he’d ever had.

He was drawing some curious looks from the people he passed to be sure and a handful of them had dared to ask him why he was in such a rush, but he just brushed them off, breathlessly commenting that he was running late. It was enough to satisfy most of them, considering they weren’t really all that interested anyway.

Even if they had wanted to ask him some more questions however, the Principal did not pause and was gone before they could have even tried, sending people darting out of his way to avoid being run over.

* * *

As she ever so slowly came back to her senses, Abby started to grow more and more aware of all that cum that was running down her legs and dripping off her butt.

Room 222, Part One – [M/F] Teachers and students and a good time.

It was an autumn afternoon and the wind had a brisk bite as it blew across the steadily emptying parking lot of William Jefferson Clinton High School.

Gretchen Ames did not feel the chill however, despite the fact that the cheerleader’s uniform she was wearing was so very brief. The passionate, hungry kisses being pressed to her lips alone would have probably been enough to fight off the cold – certainly, they were igniting quite a fire in the eighteen year old senior – but her boyfriend was also crushing her between his car and himself and she found that his big, muscular body worked well as a windbreak. Nineteen year old Tommy Halpern, the star running back of his school’s football team, wasn’t feeling the cold either though, just the slender young body he was leaning into, the open mouth beneath his, and the firm breast he was holding onto so firmly.

The girl broke the kiss at last to come up for some air, enjoying the feel of something very big and rock hard against her hip. Her guy may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was strong, he was popular, and he was hung.

The Taylor Family 4 – The End [Incest, though you’ll notice it’s no longer *just* lesbian incest]

**First half of part one is** [**here.**]( **The second half of part one is** [**here.**]( **Part two is** [**here.**]( **Part three is** [**here.**]( **And the first half of part four is** [**here.**]( **Yes, this was another long one that had to be split in two.**

It was the sort of scene that normally only happens in pornography, certainly not the kind of thing anyone would expect to find occurring in a quiet suburban neighborhood in real life, but the fact remained that it actually was happening in this one.

And it was a scene that no reasonably objective observer could have possibly described as anything less than delicious, beautiful, and erotic.

Lying sprawled on her back across her own bed, Ann found herself in a position she had never imagined that she would ever be in, but one from which she never wanted to stir.

The Taylor Family 4 – The Beginning [Incest, though you’ll notice it’s no longer *just* lesbian incest]

**To see the previous parts – go** [**here**]( **for the first half of part one, go** [**here**]( **for the second half of part one, go** [**here**]( **for part two, and go** [**here**]( **for part three. This part is another extra long one and so I had to break it in half again.**

Sunday morning came and once more the girls slept late behind a closed door.

Standing at the door to the garage meanwhile, Ann watched with a wan smile as her husband backed his big sedan out. He had his clubs in the trunk of the car and was on his way out to the course to meet some friends for a few rounds of golf, not expecting to return until some time late in the afternoon.

Quite frankly, Ann was just happy to see him go, knowing that something really special was due to happen once she and her children were alone.

As soon as she saw the garage door start to lower, she immediately put her husband right out of her mind and raced away as fast as her legs could carry her.

The Taylor Family 3 [Lesbian Incest – And let the fucking finally begin!]

**To see the previous parts, go** [**here**]( **for the first half of part one, go** [**here**]( **for the second half of part one, and go** [**here**]( **for part two.**

“Hey, Ruthie? Did it seem to you like Mom was acting a little odd?”

Kristen was not watching where she was going, looking back over her shoulder even as she was dragged along by the hand by her little sister. Somehow, she managed to avoid walking into anything as she was guided at something just short of a dead sprint up the stairs and into the bedroom the two teens shared.

“Never mind that now,” the other girl answered, propelling her sister towards one of the beds while she paused just a moment to throw the door shut behind them.

“But . . .”

Ruth reclaimed her sister swiftly, an arm going around her waist to guide her over to one of the two beds, sitting down together on the edge. As far as she was concerned, there was something very, very important that the two of them needed to be attending to right now and it wasn’t a discussion about their mother’s antics.