Blame It On The Mistletoe [M/F, F/F, Incest] – A suburban family has some fun on Christmas morning

It was Christmas morning and, like so many other families all around the world, the Ferguson’s had risen early to meet it.

Still dressed in her bathrobe and carrying a steaming mug of coffee, Polly made her way slowly through the house as she tried to shake loose the cobwebs. Why was it that the older one got, the earlier morning seemed to come? She chose to take the long way around her suburban home to give herself as much time as possible to wake up, but still managed to reach the front room well before she was ready for it.

As she passed through the archway, the first thing that caught her eye was naturally the beautiful, if artificial, snow white tree with all of it’s gleaming and flashing lights and skillfully arranged decorations standing amid a pool of gaudily wrapped packages. This was to be expected however as this spectacle had been purposely set up where it could dominate the room.

However, the second thing she saw as she entered this room brought her to an immediate halt.

Butts and Beers [M/F, Anal] – A man and his sister-in-law try something new

**A brand new story. I’m trying to get back into the rhythm of writing after far too long.**

As these things so often do, it all began with a few beers.

Emily had been sitting quietly at one end of the couch that day, watching television and nursing her long neck bottle of beer, when she started shooting sidelong looks at the man who was sitting alongside her. It took her some time to work up the courage … or for the booze to lower her inhibitions enough, but she eventually leaned over and gave him a nudge.

“Hey,” she said casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to ask such a question. “Aren’t you kinda into anal?”

Of course she had managed to say that just as he was taking a sip from his second bottle and had Will coughing as he choked on it. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he gave her an astonished look. “I beg your pardon!”

Selma Carrington [Lesbian] – A woman meets her husband’s boss

Standing in front of full length mirror and turning this way and that to admire how great she looked in her sexy new dress now that she’d started exercising and wasn’t cheating on her diet anymore, Julie Arthur had to smile in satisfaction.

She hadn’t looked this good since high school!

“Are you ready, dear?” Steve asked walking into their bedroom. “We don’t want to be late . . .” His voice trailed off as he stopped dead in his tracks to enjoy the sight of his wife looking hotter than ever. Coughing and clearing his throat, he found his voice again in a moment. “I’m still not sure it’s such a good idea that you wear that dress tonight, Julie. I mean, this is a business dinner! Tonight’s all about impressing my bosses.”

She looked over at him and arched an eyebrow. “And you think they’ll be more impressed if your wife looks all dowdy and frumpy than if she looks at all attractive?”

“It’s just that it fits you so tightly , dear, and you have to admit your showing a lot of cleavage.”

Lust In Space [Lesbian] – Somehow or other, two women get a little lost.

The enormous Gateway station lay in a low Earth orbit. One of the primary hubs for the shipment of both freight and personnel between the planet and all of the colonies spread across the solar system, it was a mass of residential blocks, vast cargo bays, and docking ports.

A mission was scheduled to depart from here today to rush replacement parts, food stuffs and medical supplies out to a starship that was now limping slowly through interstellar space, damaged by the impact of an errant asteroid. It was an important mission and needed to be done with all due haste, but something was delaying the loading of the cargo containers onto the transport vehicle Galileo VII.

Designed for the speedy delivery of urgently needed supplies and equipment, the Galileo VII was much smaller and faster than the massive freighters that carried the great bulk of humanity’s cargo through the depths of space and so was perfect for a mission like this. With most of it’s interior space taken up by over-powered engines and cargo space, there were precious few creature comforts available for the crew. Thanks to the wonders of modern computerized automation though, only four people actually needed to be inconvenienced to keep her operating effectively. At this moment, the crew of the Galileo VII was still back on the station, having their breakfast and receiving a final mission briefing.

Becky Shapiro’s Slumber Party, part the second [Lesbian and a little incest] – This is what happens at EVERY slumber party, of course.

**This was another long one I had to break in half. See my other slumber party post for the beginning.**

By now, the forbidden interlude in the kitchen was over.

Though both Gwen and Sally would have dearly loved to continue their tryst and felt more than a little frustrated that they had to stop now, they also knew that they had to get Sally back down to the slumber party quickly.

The two women hurriedly climbed back into their clothes, trying to make sure that there was nothing at all about their appearance that would give away the fact that they had just been having sex. This necessary chore was made nearly impossible thanks to the fact that both women found it so very hard to keep her hands to herself, stealing plenty of kisses and copping many a feel.

Remembering that they had supposedly came up here to fetch some snacks for the party, Gwen rushed to get them out and pile them onto a tray as best she could. Sally had supposedly come up here to help with this, meanwhile, but she proved more of a hindrance than anything by constantly making grabs for her.

Becky Shapiro’s Slumber Party, part the first [Lesbian and a little incest] – This is what happens at EVERY slumber party, of course.

**Another long one I had to break in half.**

It was almost midnight on a Friday evening and all was dark on that tree-lined suburban avenue save for the periodic pools of light cast by the street lights.

It would be erroneous to say that all was quiet that evening, though.

From a certain ranch-style home standing behind a well groomed lawn, the throbbing beat of a rock ‘n’ roll song seemed to be dully reverberating up from underneath. It wasn’t loud enough to inspire any of the neighbors who were still awake to hear it to call the cops and complain, but it would certainly bring the owner of the home a couple of cutting comments tomorrow if it kept playing for much longer.

And why was their loud music blaring from somewhere underneath this small home at such an ungodly hour in the first place?

Mrs. Dubois and The Babysitter [Lesbian] – Early Christmas story about middle-aged housewife and teen babysitter

It was late on a Saturday morning and the curses and banging noises she heard coming from the living room were clue enough for Karen Dubois that her husband Adam had risen at long last.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she heaved a long suffering sigh.

It was hardly surprising that he should have slept in so late considering how long they’d stayed at that Christmas party the night before, or that he should be feeling more than a little under the weather this morning what with how much he’d had to drink. Getting him a glass of tap water and a bottle of the strongest painkillers they kept in the house, she headed for the next room to see what was left of her spouse.

As she walked into the room, she was expecting to find him sprawled in a limp heap in his favorite chair with all of the lamps switched off and the blinds drawn against the glare of morning sunlight reflecting off the blanket of snow outside. Adam would be moaning and groaning over the hangover he simply had to be suffering through, she was certain, and would be vehemently swearing off booze for probably the hundredth time. Karen was stopped in her tracks though when she found a surprising scene.

Heather & Joy [Lesbian Incest] – Teen cousins have fun at the family reunion

As she maneuvered her way through all of the people who populated this scenic lakeside lodge, Heather Brown was attracting a whole lot of attention.

It was hardly surprising, though.

At nineteen years old, the young woman had been blessed with the kind of natural beauty that seems to demand an appreciative gaze. Her hair was a deep, rich auburn, long and curly and spilling over her shoulders. Her eyes were a vivid green and seemed to sparkle as they moved quickly across the crowd, darting from face to face. Her full lips were curved into a wide, happy smile, showing off her straight and blindingly white teeth. Though topped with a set of full breasts that were big enough to almost look out of place on someone so young, her figure was lean overall, her skin positively glowing, giving ample evidence of an athletic lifestyle.

What was drawing the most attention though was that this girl with the perfect body was picking her way through the mob while dressed in only a pair of flip-flops and a teeny tiny bikini that left very little to the imagination.

Cassie & Kayla 2 [Lesbian Incest] – The affair continues

Glancing at her watch, the middle-aged woman grumbled softly to herself.

As a housewife who led a relatively sedentary lifestyle, Cassie had not been able to completely escape the ravages of time. Oh, she had kept her weight in check by eating right and joining a gym, but then again she had not been able to dodge the appearance of those first few wrinkles and gray hairs. With her shoulder length hair the color of wheat, her eyes a sky blue, and her blouse filled by a pair of full breasts though, she still got plenty of lingering glances from the male half of the population.

Fortunately for her husband, he had nothing to fear of her ever betraying him though.

Not with another man, at least.

Perched on the edge of her seat and pretending to read a magazine, Cassie was keeping a very close eye on a nearby door.

Cassie & Kayla 1 [Lesbian incest] – Mother seduces teen daughter in a hotel room

Standing by the door, Kayla watched in silence as her mother paced angrily back and forth across the hotel room, gripping the telephone handset so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

“Now listen you, I made these reservations weeks ago, I paid for a room with two beds, and that’s exactly what I want!” There was a momentary pause as the unfortunate person on the other end of the line said something, but it only served to set her mother off again. “I don’t care how overbooked this hotel is, dammit! I want the room I paid for.”

Seeing the way the conversation seemed to be heading, Kayla just sighed and went to pick up one of the suitcases and throw it on the bed to start unpacking it. However upset her mother might be, it was quite obvious to her that the argument was going to be a waste of time.

“All right, fine!” Cassie snarled at length. “But I had better be getting some of my money back over this stupid screw up!” She slammed the receiver down then, pausing to take a few deep, calming breaths.