Chris 40 is married and having and affair with Sarah 25 who he manages.
Part 1 [here](
Part 2 [here ](
Part 3 is [here](
Following on from their first proper fuck in the office Chris and Sarah managed to keep their affair secret, no one knew or suspected. They both started working late more often, or if they had a meeting it was always in the most out of the way meeting room. It was always rushed, fun but rushed, not that either of them minded.
Chris was keen to get Sarah out of the office, he set up a meeting with a new client that was a good couple of hours drive away. That would give them an excuse to be out the office all day. To make the most of the day Chris had asked for the meeting to be early in the day and the clients had obliged. This meant Chris and Sarah would be leaving early but all that meant was his wife would have less time to nagg him at breakfast. Chris had agreed with Sarah to meet at the office before Seven, that should give them plenty of time to get there, have the meeting that spend the afternoon together.