The Play Room • Chapter 4 • Trading Pieces • MF oral first

Karen started sliding her pussy back and forth on top of his rock-hard cock again, only more slowly and not pressing down as hard.

He stared back at her, and moved his hands to her hips, reveling her slick pussy slipping back and forth on his member. “Karen, are you sure?”

She took his hands from her hips, and brought them up to her tits. Kirk squeezed her boobs gently. She smiled, closed her eyes, and picked up the pace with her hips. “Don’t you want to make love to me?”

“More than anything. But it wasn’t me who said that my intent this evening was to remain a virgin.”

“I just told you I changed my mind.”

“And I believe you. I just don’t want you to have any regrets later.”

She stopped grinding, opened her eyes, and leaned down to gently kiss him. “You’re so sweet.” She resumed her delicious back-and-forth on his dick, and added, “…but I can’t believe you’re trying to talk me out of this.”

“Baby, seriously, stop for a second.”

Karen stopped moving, but stayed seated on him, by throbbing prick nestled snugly in the soaked cleft of her vagina.

The Play Room • Chapter 3 • Counter Moves • MF oral

Now that he was alone, Kirk was suddenly very conscious of the fact that he was lying on her basement couch naked. He felt as weak as a kitten after his earth-shattering climax, but rolled off the couch, grabbed his backpack, and pulled his beach towel out. It was still a bit wet, but cool, which felt good as he wiped the sweat from his face and body. He heard a noise like a door closing from the other room, and sat down with the towel covering his groin.

Karen reentered the room, still wearing his shirt, now buttoned at her waist. Kirk could see that she also wore a pair of pretty pink panties. She was carrying a quilt, which she dropped on the arm of the couch. “So…” she said coyly as she stepped in front of him, unbuttoning his shirt, and pulling the sides open, showing off her perky breasts, standing up high on her chest, firm and proud, her rosy nipples beckoning him to suckle on them. “Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”

The Play Room • Chapter 2 • Pieces in the Open • MF oral

She unzipped him slowly, and his rock-hard prick literally jumped out into the open. It was her turn to bug her eyes out, since he wasn’t wearing anything underneath his jeans. “What happened to your suit?”

“It’s in my backpack over there,” Kirk replied, motioning over to the chair near the stairs.

“Good thinking,” she said, as she helped him wriggle the jeans past his hips, to gain better access to his stiff prick.

Karen tentatively touched the tip, which made it jump. She giggled at her new-found toy, gently wrapped her fingers around the shaft, and ran her hand lightly up and down his stalk. “Wow… it’s so hot!”

“Oh, baby, that feels so good!” He was driving up to meet her touch. This emboldened her to wrap her fingers tighter around the shaft and pump him slowly.

“I’ve never felt one before… It’s so smooth…, so soft…, and I can’t believe how hard it is!”

“No one has ever touched me before…”

“I’m glad I’m the first,” she whispered, running her hand up and down his throbbing penis.

“I can’t believe what you’re doing to me. It’s unreal!”

The Playroom • Chapter 1 • Opening Gambits • MF mast

Karen and Kirk were so alike that they had at least one class in common every semester. Both being somewhat nerdy, this was a help and a hindrance at the same time. A help because once they did start speaking to one another in passing, they had a lot in common to discuss. A hindrance, because Junior year was almost over by the time they could speak to each other without being overcome by shyness.

They were both good with computers and were voracious readers. They both wore glasses, and loved old movies, and were fans of all the same bands, especially the Doors. They had come a long way since first meeting Freshman year in Algebra.

Alas, since they were both rather shy, their flirting was ham-handed, and in the end, embarrassing to both. So, with the end of Junior year fast approaching, it fell to Kirk’s best friend Tom, who knew Karen from church, to rescue the both of them.

Without telling a soul, he printed out two invitations, one from each of them, referencing Doors lyrics, to meet in the media lab in the back of the library after class on the second last day of school, and then planted the notes in their respective lockers.

RP by request: Daddy’s Girls • Chapter 4 • Laurie

The next day at school, the rest of the Daddy’s Girls could sense something was different with Beth. She was exuberantly bouncy, but seemed stiff somehow. She had a faraway look in her eye, and more than once had to be called out to snap out of her reverie. Ordinarily, the Girls would read these signs to sense that something was wrong. However, the smile never left her face. They let it rest until lunch.

They met at their normal gathering place, the large Oak tree off near the edge of the school property. Here, they sat in a circle, eating lunch and catching up.

Laurie noticed that Elizabeth kept shifting in her seat, unable to sit still. “Beth,” she asked between bites, “What gives? Ants in your pants?”

The other girls laughed, and Beth turned bright red. “No,” she replied, eyes downcast.

“Something you want to talk about?” Becky asked between bites of her sandwich.

“No, I’m good.” Beth took another bite of her sandwich, avoiding eye contact with the other girls.

The Circle had rules. If you wanted to talk about ANYTHING, you could; no judgment, no repercussions. Conversely, if you didn’t want to talk, no pressure.

Drive-In Seduction • Chapter 14 • Dedication

Two and a half years later, a soldier drove down the empty dirt road alongside the river in an old, familiar pickup truck. It had been cold for days, and the wind had just started whipping around earlier that morning. Now, as he drove alongside the river, the snow was just starting to fall, in bursts of snow squalls.

Suddenly, he spotted the large boulder in the middle of the river. He pulled into the open space surrounded by bare trees, and climbed out of the pickup. He limped to the water’s edge, and tested the ice. The cold snap had been going on since he arrived back, so he was confident the ice was thick enough to hold him, but with moving water, you just never know.

Slowly, he made his way onto the ice, sliding his gimpy foot along the surface, and pushing off with his good leg. The ice creaked underneath his weight, but did not crack, and he made it to the boulder with ease.

He ran his gloved hand over the surface, seeing the many initials carved into the stone. As he made his way around the large rock, he thought about all the other people who had special memories of this spot, even though he was convinced that none of them could possibly match his.

Drive-In Seduction • Chapter 13 • Inundation

A half hour later, after a ride down a winding dirt road alongside an even windier river, they parked underneath a copse of trees on the riverbank, stripped quickly in the car, then ran into the cool water of the lazy running river.

This river was famous for its many twists and turns as it meandered through the farmland all around. By unspoken decree, all the farmers encouraged trees to grow deeply on both banks, and the little preserve that sprung up there included a large contingent of deer, plus all manner of birds and reptiles.

The numerous oxbows afforded privacy all along the length of the river, and many perfect fishing nooks and picnic spots during the day. Of course, at night, couples would come here to do what Lenny and Sally were doing right now. In fact, these two passed a few cars parked in other secluded areas, as they searched for a private spot to claim their own.

It was a locale that even the Police left alone, as long as the kids respected the peace and quiet of the region. It was a small miracle that wild parties were considered uncool here, so that lovers would forever find a place to be alone together. Priorities, after all.

Daddy’s Girls – BOOK 3 – Chapter 48: Lessons Learned (no sex)

[First, a quick note to any fans of this story. There is LOTS more to come; but it needs to be written first. I have a definite plan for the adventures our intrepid Girls will be undertaking, and what I hope will be received as be a wonderful ending. I obsessed over the previous chapters, to make sure that continuity was kept intact, and that the characters remained true to themselves, while experiencing significant personal growth at the same time. I want to take the time to do the next book right. So… this means the next few chapters will come out more slowly than before. Thank you all for your kind comments, and for your understanding.]


The Daddy’s Girls spent the next few minutes toweling down their respective fathers, wiping off the sweat from their illicit lovemaking.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Laurie said to Paul, leaning down to gently kiss him.

“Thank me? I thought you’d be mad at me!” he replied.

“Dad, that was the most… I dunno…,” she started.

“Wicked? Evil? Mean?” Paul sputtered.

“Erotic.” Becky said with finality.

”That’s the word,” Laurie agreed. “That was the most EROTIC thing that’s EVER happened to me.”

Drive-In Seduction • Chapter 12 • Correlation

The next Friday, Sally had convinced her mom to let Lenny borrow the station wagon to go to the movies with her. Amanda had been impressed with the sudden maturity her daughter had shown of late, beginning with the thorough cleaning Sally gave her bedroom while her wayward brother was being delivered to his college boot camp.

Sally stopped whining about her chores, and even took on a few extra tasks, like vacuuming and doing dishes without being asked, and cooking dinner a couple times that week, so that Amanda came home from a hard day on her feet to a nice sit-down dinner.

She was so impressed that she was putty in Sally’s hands when her daughter asked if Lenny could borrow the car. Amanda was no fool; she suspected something happened between the two of them the previous weekend, but Sally had a couple factors going in her favor.

First of all, Amanda knew and trusted Lenny, and knew that he would do everything in his power to make sure Sally got home safe. She also knew Lenny would be gone in a couple weeks to the Army, so that any relationship drama would be short and sweet. The final straw was that Sally had been on the Pill for several months now, to regulate her periods, so if Nature took its course with these two, she was protected.

Drive-In Seduction • Chapter 11 • Consummation

When Sally opened her eyes again, she noticed that the sunbeam that had been streaming in her window was now nowhere to be seen, meaning the sun was now directly overhead, filling the whole room with a red-yellow glow. She was laying on her side, with her back to Lenny, who was still snoring. She reached behind her to caress his firm butt, and he coughed, then rolled over onto his back.

Sally rolled over back into his arms, and he hugged her, then fell right back into sleep. Sally played with his chest hair, then followed the treasure trail downward to his crotch, and started rubbing his groin and upper thigh muscles, purposely avoiding actual contact with his prick.

His penis responded anyway, twitching upward as it grew. Sally watched, amazed as it rose from his groin. She slid down his body, and blew warm air on it, giggling as it twitched in response.

Lenny still slept, breathing deeply. His body responded, even unconscious. He spread his legs wider, and twisted his body slightly, maneuvering his growing dick toward the source of stimulation.