Haven’t we all been to countless job interviews during our lifetime? Haven’t we all been hoping that this was the last one, that this would be our dream job, or at least something that is bearable?
I was exactly thinking about the stuff above when thirty one year old me was between jobs about a year ago. I sent out countless letters of application to countless companies. I was looking for some secretary or assistant position. And well, despite me having years of working experience on that field, the search dragged on and on.
Luckily, after a few weeks filled with disappointed I got a positive answer back. It was from one of the biggest companies in town. I applied for an assistant position. It was helping out the management with everything and nothing. And it sounded like it would be an interesting challenge for me. So I was more than just happy that they invited me for a job interview.
The day before the interview I got a haircut, a professional shave and I bought myself a new, perfect sitting shirt. The morning before the interview I gave myself a clean shave, I took a shower, I styled my hair, I jumped into some professional looking business attire and then I made myself on the way.