My Sister And My Urges [MF]

Yes, my sister and I are doing it. We fuck each other. We do the most taboo thing out there. And we love doing it. We have no problem with it. And we are doing it for a long, long time. Here is the story how it all began. How our regular brother and sister relationship turned into a sexual one.

It all began around a decade ago. I was around 26, my sister around 29 years old. We both just dropped out of some long term relationships. We both somehow had a broken heart. And we both were done with the opposite gender for some time.

We both decided to take a dating break, and just live life as singles. But It wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. Without knowing, because we weren’t not exactly close to each other back then, we had to deal with the same problems: People our age were either in some time consuming long term relationships and doing couples stuff or were spending most of their free time to get into one. So either partners or dates were the priority for nearly all people each of us knew. So neither my sister, nor me really had people that had time to hang out, doing something like going to the movies, to a show or on a hike, just with friends, not a love interest. I think you get what I mean.

My Mom, my Sis and Me [FM]

Mom and I were never really close to each other. Our relationship was always distant, more than a little bit on the colder side. But it all changed with some certain event: Dad died in a horrible car accident. It really hit mom, sis and me. It more or less destroyed each one of us. Dad was the center of our family. He was the one that kept anything going. Loved by everyone on an equal level.

The coping, grieving process was a nightmare. We all kept our shit together until and at the funeral, but then three people more or less broke down. Everyone did the bare minimum. Home somehow turned into a quiet grave with living ghosts in it. No one really talked about anything. No one spent time with each other. We all just lived, or better said existed, next to each other.

My Hot Neighbor [MF]

I think we all have been there. It is Sunday, you want to cook something fancy. For you, and some friends you have invited. You went grocery shopping the day before. You bought everything, except one core ingredient: Salt. Yes, moron you has forgotten to check if there is some left. You have two options to solve the problem: Go out shopping or just ring at your neighbors door and hope for the best.

Guess what I did. Within a minute or two I was knocking at my neighbors door. Hoping that she was home. She wasn’t the only neighbor I had, but the fact that her apartment was on the same floor as mine made her place my first choice. And yes, she was home. I got an “I am with you soon. Just give me a minute.” after I was knocking at her door.

So I stood there. With an empty cup in my hand. A cup waiting to be filled with precious salt. Probably humming some tune to pass time. Waiting for a door to open. Finally, the sound of a door unlocking filled the air. A beautiful face was looking out in the hallway: “Oh, it is you, looking for some Amazon delivery again?”

My Sissy Brother [MF]

There is point when it is enough. When you have to stand on your own feet. When it is time for you to leave your family home and get a place on your own. It was a few years ago when I made this decision. But rents were already through the roof back then, so I needed a roommate to be able to afford anything. I came up with the great idea to ask my one year younger brother, who just turned 19, to move out with me. It didn’t took much to persuade him.

After some searching – it actually was nothing but a big pain in our backsides – we found an affordable, surprisingly big place for the two of us: A room for each one, a kitchen, a big living room and a bathroom. We immediately turned it into our man cave. Or better said into our party hub. We did what you do when you move out from home when you are around 20. Lots of drinking, mixed with loud music and fucking everywhere. Luckily our neighbors were forgiving. Or never home. Or just deaf. We never had any problems with them back then. And we still have no problem with them until this day.

Caught Watching Porn [M/F]

Yes, living at home sucks. It sucks even more when you are already past your teens. But sometimes you just have no choice with the rents being that fucking high. And honestly speaking, it has it’s benefits too: Someone does your laundry, someone keeps the place clean and someone cooks food. Yes, I am talking about my mom. And sometimes my sister, she helps mom a lot. Dad and I are in the same boat here. We love the women in our home. We both enjoy their services. We more than appreciate them keeping us company.

But that living at home thing has it’s downsides too. One of them is lack of privacy. You always have to be careful, quiet and keep doors locked when you enjoy some porn. Because family members tend to ignore closed doors. At least mine do. And that knocking before entering a room thing, it rarely ever happens. Then just lock your door while jerking off, you might say. A solution, but not an optimal one, because if they run into a locked door, conversations tend to get awkward: “What are you doing in there?”


Falling For Mom [M/F]

My mom never had it easy in her life. Her husband, my father left to get some cigarettes when I just had stopped wearing diapers. He was never to be seen again. Certainly not giving a damn about his family anymore. After dad leaving, mom had to work hard to get enough money to be able to pay the bills and provide for me. She dedicated more or less her whole life to provide for her son. She did a great job doing so. I am forever grateful for the sacrifices she made for me.

But it doing so, demanded a lot of her over the years. She had next to no time for hobbies or other leisure activities. She had even less time for dating, a sex life or even finding a new partner for her, a new father for me. She really was living for her son.

In retrospect I can’t say if it was her caring, being there for me or just me being the most stupid person on Earth that earned me a full scholarship on a respectable university out of town. When I left to study I was more or less not needing my moms financial support anymore. So she finally had some money to spend for herself. For the first time since about 16 years.

[MF] My Hot Mom

Yes it happened. My mom caught me watching porn. It was damn fucking awkward and embarrassing. At least in the beginning. But then it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened in my whole damn fucking live. And here is what happened back then.

Yes, I was a total nerd back then. A few months after my 18th birthday all I cared about was going to school, well I had to go to school, all I cared about was playing computer games and watching kinky porn. Yes, kinky porn. Normal boy meets girl, boy fucks girl stuff somehow never did anything. Back then I had something for family fun stuff and mostly transgender porn. The last one, judge me for it if you like, just somehow was, and still is my thing. Beautiful chicks, beautiful tits, firm asses, cute assholes made to fuck and a nice set off balls with a dick. Nothing but mouth watering.

[M/F] Up The Ass Part II

[Part I]( *over here. Just in case. Have a nice read.*

What began as a happy accident turned into a hot kinky secret pretty damn fast. Sis and I began toying our assholes on a regular base. Anal play was the kink we shared. But it didn’t took long until we wished to have a place for us two alone. Were we could do whatever we want, without being careful to run into our parents. And not even running into our parents was a problem, we also wanted to do stuff we couldn’t do while still living at home.

So we went out on apartment hunt. It took us a few months to find a suitable place. We told our parents in advance that we both where planing to move out. To a town not too far away, but far away enough to prevent surprise visits. Yes, parents. They are made that way. Reasons for it, beside the obvious, that we couldn’t share with them, were that were looking for some better paid jobs and that many of our friends have already moved some place else. So nothing was keeping us at home anymore. Our parents were pretty damn supporting. And the fact that we, my sister and me, would share a place, rose no suspicion at all. Sis and I, we were really looking forward towards it.

Family Vacation Part II [M/F]

[Part I]( *is over here. Better read it first. Have a nice day.*

After I left our hotel room I just went straight down to the beach. With nothing in mind but reading a book, enjoying the warm sun on my skin and maybe having a drink or two. Just with myself. To clear my head. And well, to check out some bikini girls.

But it didn’t took long until I got disturbed. Sis showed up. Wearing the tightest fitting bikini I have ever seen. Damn it, she looked good in it. Even better, she just looked fucking hot. She asked me if it was okay for me, when she was sitting next to me. I just said yes. Then she asked to put some sun cream on her back. Again, I said yes and began rubbing that stuff on her back. While doing so, a somehow awkward conversation began: “So you really fucked mom in the morning?”

“Yes, sis, I did.”

Without any judgment in her voice she kept on going: “Was it your first time? Did you like it?”

A somehow embarrassed me was able to answer a short “Yes.”

[MFF] My Transgender Daughter

My son has always been different. He always struggled in life. Always had difficulties fitting in. We, my wife and I, have always been there for him. It took him, us and some professionals a long long time to figure out what was wrong with him. The clues where there, he always tended towards female stuff. From dressing up, his interests and even his behavior. Everyone was just to stupid to count one and one together.

Finally, shortly before his 18th birthday we all finally realized the obvious: My son, or better said my daughter was trapped in the wrong body. So we helped her to change that. Helped her in her transition. It took some time, but slowly and steady she turned into a stunning good looking young girl. It probably was the first time in my life I ever saw her really truly happy.