[MFF] I’m (48M) dating identical twins (24F/24F)

I‘ve been sugar-dating a pair of twin college students for about four months now. (And yes, their ages add up to mine :) I thought I’d share some notes about the experience. I know these kinds of posts can be divisive, so I’ll say up front: take it or leave it :)

First off: No, it’s not for everyone.. But after sugaring for a decade-plus I was curious enough to try it, when the opportunity came along. (It doesn’t hurt that they are truly beautiful.) Here’s how it’s worked out:

I alternate solo dates with dates with them both. (So, A/AB/B/AB etc.) In many ways it really IS a lot like dating two of the same person (which they will be the first to say). They’re different people of course, but they share a lot of qualities beyond the obvious physical resemblance—they joke about sharing one mind but it’s less of a joke than I originally thought. When both are together, one is generally more dominant socially, but the dynamic is sometimes reversed. They do finish each others sentences a lot, which can be uncanny, and they’re usually in agreement about things but on occasion disagree vigorously.