The Queen puts a rebel prince in his place (BD, D/s, femdom, nc/reluc, mc, viol(light), humil)

Brendan was flung forwards with a shove. He could only buckle his knees to avoid falling flat on his face, unable to use his hands to break the fall as they were shackled behind him by his lower back. He heard the door slam shut behind him, a heavy silence settling into the room as if it had blocked him off from the rest of the world, leaving him alone with the aching in his knees.

He tried to dislodge the blindfold over his face with his shoulder. The frantic gesture bore little success; he suspected the strap he felt under his chin was there to prevent such an escape. His flailing grew in intensity as he groaned in frustration, until the sound of a giggle coming from somewhere in front of him made him freeze.

“Do you need help with that, little prince?” the sing-song voice of a woman wafted in from behind him, startling him immensely. *When did she get behind me-*

“W-whose there?!” He barked out, yelling into the room in panic. “As *Prince Brendan LoRouve*, I command you to-”

Entwined and Enraptured Pt. 01, section 2 – A young prince, a dominant druidess, and an old contract – [MF][bd][ds][cons][femdom]

Continued from section 1:


Kesh continued without slowing, landing long, deep kisses one after the other on the top of her foot. He glanced up, watching the imposing figure watching over him. What surprised him was that there wasn’t even a modicum of disgust, disdain, or pity on her face; from her warm smile to her relaxed cheeks, the druidess looming over him seemed very pleased with him. Her affirming attention deepened the haze over him. He wanted her to smile more at him like that, he wanted that look to linger, he needed-

Kala grinned, then spoke quietly to herself again, an action that interrupted his train of thought. The moon on her right foot stopped glowing as she finished talking, while the one on her left on the floor began to glow in return. Kesh kept kissing for a moment before realizing this. He felt a sudden cold take over as the warmth washed off, replaced by an urgent need to fill that void; when he noticed the glowing on her other foot he felt his mind pull his body towards it, almost subconsciously, and slowly he lowered himself to the floor and began kissing her left foot where the mark was. He felt as if his arousal wasn’t alone here, as if there was something compounding it and further amplifying it, yet he could tell that if he really wanted to he could stop doing what he was doing easily.

Entwined and Enraptured Pt. 01, section 1 – A young prince, a dominant druidess, and an old contract – [MF][bd][ds][cons][femdom]

(Repost because I broke the last post)

Jesters circled around the nobles, nestled away from common folk by elegant fencing. The jesters plucked coins from behind the noble children’s ears, before prancing into the commoner crowds to place them in the hands of the less fortunate. Music belted proudly from the other side of the field, close to the front-row seating at the base of the castle’s eastern wall. The eyes of the seated and standing were fixated on the tall balcony several stories above, where within an alcove of fine stone battlements and lace curtains sat the prince and his close court.

Prince Kesh; son of the late king Dharn and queen Verena. Kesh was thrust into matters of sovereignty rather abruptly with their passing around 5 years ago, but through the support of his late parent’s advisors, his friends in nobility and a few of his more reliable siblings, he and the kingdom had stood firm throughout these changes.