Preface: I literally awoke to a thunderous storm outside and this story in mind at 3am. Instantly, I knew I had inspiration and the need to write. Hopefully I can do the conjurations of my mind justice and for but a moment you can enjoy…
The Storm
A flash, white light piercing the encompassing darkness of sleep. The thunderous sound of the storm mere feet away outside his window ripping him from the dream that was no more. Eyes open, the thoughts are lost as he can hear the thick pane of glass rumble and vibrate. His eyes open now, the room filled with only the pitch black of the witching hour.
Suddenly blinding white light fills the room through the crack in the thick curtains as lightning strikes once more. The storm has awoken him, and yet he knows not why. A thousand times before he’d slept soundly through such experiences. Yet, this time something stirs…