My First Time with Kate [mf]

Before Kate and I got married, we dated for about a year and were engaged for another year. We planned to wait until our wedding night to have sex. We were both virgins.

But that didn’t stop us from all sorts of other fooling around. It progressed gradually over several months: Just kissing at first, then hands roaming over and then under clothes, gradually getting more adventersome. Eventually, we’d be totally naked in bed, all over each other, giving each other orgasms.

We just had three rules we stuck to:
1. No actual sex. (Obviously.)
2. No direct genital contact. When we would grind on each other, one of us always had underwear on. (Although there were plenty of handjobs and fingering.)
3. I could come pretty much anywhere on her, but not on her vagina. Even if it was just on the outside, we didn’t want to risk pregnancy. (She wasn’t on birth control of any kind.)

We were crazy horny early 20-somethings back then. I was in law school out of state, but visited her on the weekends. We’d pretty much tear each other’s clothes off when I walked in the door and spend the weekend naked, all over each other, getting each other off.

Beach Vacation with Kate [mf]

I’ve been married for about twelve years. My wife, Kate, has always been a little shy about her sexuality. We have great sex, pretty often, but fairly vanilla. But she isn’t comfortable being sexual in any way in public. No kissing more than a quick peck, and she never wears anything revealing or sexy when we are out, even on a date. We live in a small town in northern Ohio, and everybody knows everybody, so I get it. Plus she grew up in a conservative, religious household where sex was treated as something shameful.

When we go to the beach at Lake Erie, she always insists on wearing a one-piece swimsuit with a high neck and as little leg showing as possible. I’ve tried to get her to wear bikinis, but she just won’t do it. The idea of seeing someone she knows while wearing so little mortifies her.

I have learned, though, that when we’re on vacation, away from the risk of being seen by anybody we know, her level of inhibitions lowers quite a bit. Four Summers ago, we took a week long trip to the Outer Banks of NC, and I was hoping she’d loosen up a bit. The beach we were staying at actually allowed women to be topless, and according to my research online, had a reputation as an “unofficial” nude beach.