How I (18f) began my journey [MF]

I was referred here not long ago but fair warning, this is far from the wildest story on here. I was looking for something on Reddit that isn’t GW – I can’t do that anymore…

This is more of an origin story (I used to be a huge nerd). I think I’ve slowed down a bit, so I’ll post that here once I’ve properly mentally processed my other experiences


A lot of this happened because I got dumped just before moving to college. It wasn’t an attempt at an LDR, a ‘break’, or an amicable parting of ways. I overheard him talking to his friends about my ‘poor performances’ in bed and how he wanted to “fuck all these amazing college girls”. I was so pathetic that I was planning on begging him to take me back and that I’d try harder and even maybe transfer to his college. But before I could tell him, he dumped me over text. Honestly, I dodged a bullet but hindsight is 20/20.