I (F22) was determined not to fuck him (M23) on the first date [MF] (Part 1)

**Part 1: Meeting. (We’re setting context here. Part 2 will give us the spicy stuff…)**

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Phil asks. I can hear a smile in his voice over the phone.

“Hmm. Nothing,” I answer, flipping onto my stomach in bed. Phil hums in approval.

“Well, good. I’ve booked a hotel,” he tells me. “I’m gonna come and take you on a date.”

I laugh, biting my lip. “Oh, you have, have you? What if I was busy?”

Phil chuckles. We haven’t met yet, but after these nightly calls we’ve been having for the past month since we met on a dating app, I’ve become used to the sound of his laugh and the way it makes goosebumps travel up my arms. “If you were busy… Well, I simply would have taken myself on a trip to your town, sulked around on my own, and hoped you’d come to your senses.”

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” I smile, resting my chin on my hand, my elbows propping me up. “I’d love to go on a date with you.”

My best friend (29) and I (25) recorded ourselves playing for our boyfriends [FF] – part 2

Part 2: “touch me.”

Scarlett’s bedroom is very bohemian, a mattress on the floor and Himalayan salt lamps either side of it, but I’d known that already – I’ve been in here enough times chatting to her and picking out outfits and whatnot. I hadn’t been in there to get naked with her before, however.

Scarlett mumbles to herself, finding different angles for her phone camera and leaning it against different surfaces to get a perfect view of the bed. “Ah! Perfect,” she exclaims after a while.

“Wait,” I say before she can press record. Scarlett blinks at me. “What’s up?”

I close the door and blot out the sound of Tom rattling cutlery downstairs. I walk up to her and we’re so close our noses almost touch.

“Are you sure?” I whisper. Scarlett takes a lock of my blonde hair between her fingers and twirls it a little, stepping closer. She inhales slowly, almost like she’s taking in my scent, and then dips her mouth and kisses my bare shoulder. I suck in a breath.

“I’m sure,” she says, her eyes on my mouth now. “You’re so pretty, I want to see the rest of you.”

My best friend (29) and I (25) recorded ourselves playing for our boyfriends [FF] – Part 1

**Part 1: “I think we should do it.”**

Scarlett and I have always had a sexual undercurrent to our friendship. I was 23 when we met through a mutual friend and she was 27; we were both dating around at the time and liked to chat about our amusing encounters with different people – men, in my case, but in hers, anyone who took her liking. This is what we planned to do the first time we met for drinks in the local cocktail bar, but the first thing she did instead was take a long eyeful of my cleavage and flirt with me for the next few hours. I’d never been with a woman before and I’d always wanted to, but around a week after our flirting began, she started what would become a serious relationship with Tom. We settled into a normal, close friendship from there, I got into a relationship with Kyle, and we almost forgot about the whole thing.

Almost, until she found out that my boyfriend and I had taken part in a few threesomes and foursomes together over the course of our relationship.


He (22 M) picked on me (22 F) at school. When we grew up I used him for orgasms [MF] (Part 2)

**Part 2: Ben’s house**


“You want a drink or something?” Ben asks, fumbling with his keys as he locks his front door behind us. I start walking up the stairs without asking for directions.

“Or something,” I say, turning halfway up the stairs and leaning against the bannister. I let a dress strap fall down on one shoulder and watch his eyes follow it. “You coming?” I ask, grinning and biting on the end of my thumb.

“Sorry–” Ben says, laughing and rubbing his hands dramatically over his face. “You want to go to my bedroom? With me? Right now? Alone?”

I shrug the shoulder he’d been looking at and continue walking upstairs. “Not if you keep dawdling.”

Immediately, Ben runs up the stairs behind me and swoops me off the floor on the upstairs hallway. My stomach balancing on his shoulder, I let out a small shriek and giggle.

“I think I could have found it without the lift,” I say as he carries me into his large bedroom. A brown leather sofa sits in front of a wall mounted TV. When he places me on my feet, I go and perch on it, kicking my heels onto the floor. Ben sits beside me, his head resting against the armrest so that he faces me. He watches me with a small smile. “What?” I ask.

He (22 M) picked on me (22 F) at school. When we grew up I used him for orgasms [MF] (Part 1)

Part 1: The bar (context and background setting here. There will be a part 2 for all the good stuff if you’re not into flirting… but where’s the fun in that?)

At school, Ben was the heartthrob. All the girls loved him. All of them. He had a cheeky way about him, he was taller than the other boys, and he had black hair, olive skin, pretty eyes, and a dimpled smile. He was adorable. He was also an unrelenting arsehole where I was concerned.

“Hello E.T.,” he used to tell me every morning. I was a quiet, timid, tiny thing who hadn’t quite grown into her big blue eyes yet, hence the extra terrestrial nickname. It didn’t quite catch on, but Ben taunted me with it for five whole years before we left school. He also literally pulled my pigtails on multiple occasions.


I (F24) fucked my gorgeous colleague (M27) in a hotel room after watching his band play (Pt 3) [FM]

**Part 3: The Hotel Room**


The door has barely closed before Markus has pushed me onto my back on the kingsized bed, crawling on top of me. He dwarfs my petite frame and only spends a few moments placing hot kisses on my mouth before pulling his t-shirt off and slinging it aside.

While he’s doing so, I prop myself up on my knees and watch him, biting the end of my thumb. His body isn’t jacked, but it’s toned and lean. I follow the lines of the V above his jeans with my eyes – X marks the spot – and reach out to pop open the button.

“Not so fast,” he smirks, catching my hand in his fist and gently pushing me back onto my back. I feel a swell of disappointment.

“You don’t want to?”

“Sarah,” Markus cocks a playful brow and places the flat of my palm onto his crotch. Through his jeans, he’s rock hard. I gasp, run my hand up and down the length of it, and he breathes shakily, taking my hand away and pinning my wrists either side of my head. “I fucking want to,” he confirms, “but I want to do this more.”

I (F24) fucked my gorgeous colleague (M27) in a hotel room after watching his band play (Pt 2) [FM]

**Part 2: The Hallway**


It doesn’t take us long to reach the hotel, but the wait feels like years with all the heat and tension coursing through us.

“Just through here,” I tell Markus when we’re inside, taking a right down a hallway towards the room. Before I can walk too far, though, Markus’s hands are on my shoulders and he presses me into the wall. His mouth is on mine before I can take a breath. His lips are soft, damp, moving slowly but intensely for a while, his tongue finding mine and licking hot strips of want into me. I groan softly into his mouth and something shifts. Markus’s guitar falls off his shoulder onto the ground and I expect it to break the moment but he doesn’t appear to realise.

“Your guitar,” I breathe, but his mouth stops mine again, faster now, our lips perfectly syncronised. He stoops slightly and finds the backs of my knees and with a gasp I’m lifted against the wall, my legs wrapping around his hips. He tastes so good. Why does his mouth taste so fucking good?

I (F24) fucked my gorgeous colleague (M27) in a hotel room after watching his band play. (Pt 1) [FM]

**Part 1: The Emerald Lounge – lots of context setting and tension building here. If you want the goods, skip to Parts 2 and 3.**


Markus looks even taller on stage, his six feet three inches making him more than stand out from the rest of the band, and that’s before you even get a good look at his face.

It’s a Friday evening after work and a bunch of us have clocked out to see Markus’s band at The Emerald Lounge, the bar near the office which doubles up as a music venue. It smells like cheap beer and a sweet mixture of other people’s sweat and perfume. Around me, my colleagues are laughing, shouting over the music and demanding to know each person’s office crush.

Or at least I think that’s the topic at hand – I’m hardly listening, too absorbed in what is happening on the stage, one foot tapping along to the rhythm of Markus’s electric guitar, my chest thudding along with the bass. He catches my eye from the stage and holds my gaze as he sings the next line of his song: