This is the story of the first time that I hooked up with a stranger on tinder. I was 18 at the time and very inexperienced, but to this day it has remained one of my best sexual experiences. I tried to retell the story as detailed and as close to how it actually happened as possible. Happy to answer any questions in the comments! Hope you enjoy! x
I was so nervous when we entered his appartement. He had an arm around me, firmly touching my hips and it was clear what he expected to happen next. I felt like I had lost control over the situation. Did I even make the decision to sleep with him? It seemed like it was too late to go back now. I was turned on and excited, but at the same time I was breaking a taboo. I thought about how reckless it was to walk back home with this strange man, ten years older than me, bigger, stronger. That he could do whatever he wanted, and I hadn’t even told anyone where I was.