It’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly [oral] [MF]

We’re in the same city again. It’s been so long. Too long.

We agree to meet at your hotel. My conference networking dinner dragged on. You know how eager I was to leave. You know I’m on my way.

I reach your hotel. I have dressed as instructed, so that won’t be a surprise. My yoga pants and sports bar probably make me look like I’m returning from a workout… rather than about to head into one! The surprise is the vibrator I inserted, although based on
[previous events at dinner](, maybe it won’t be such a surprise?

I take the elevator to the 14th floor and start down the hall looking for your room. As I reach to knock, I spot that you’ve left the door unlatched so I can let myself in. Nice move.

I push open the door and immediately notice the room is dimly lit. I take a few steps in, expecting to find you sprawled out, naked on the bed. I’m pleasantly startled when out of nowhere you appear (from the bathroom?) and I feel your hand on my throat as you push me against the wall. Your kiss is rough, and I can instantly feel the friction your day-old stubble creates against my smooth skin. It turns me on. A lot.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Adding the “squirt” flavour to my sex life [F]

How have I lived this long without knowing about this? Why does no-one (outside reddit) talk about this? So many people are missing out!

Here’s how it all started:
The guy I was seeing on and off asked while we were messaging one day if I had ever squirted. The answer was a straight no, and to be honest I’d never tried. I had always thought squirting was an urban myth, or some kind of made up event that only happened in porn… boy was I so wrong and I’m so relieved that I was so wrong!

So this guy sets himself the challenge to get me to squirt… ambitious man I thought!
I have to admit… I was very intrigued.
Could I actually do it? Was this a real thing?
I couldn’t wait until the next time I saw him to find out.

I was a little too intrigued, and was nervous about how much mess it might make. I decided I needed to get some practice in. So after doing a bit of reading and watching a couple of instructional videos, I watched a few reddit videos to get myself in the right mood and set myself in position, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, with my favourite dildo.