Tuesday Tales – 2 – The boss’s dinner [FFM] Cuckquean (Chennai, India)

The boss’s dinner 

Saira felt a presence behind her and she impulsively moved her cursor and resumed typing. After a few moments, the presence left and she heaved a sigh of relief. The 21-year-old had finished writing three landing pages since the morning and was experiencing a classic case of writer’s block. “How does this bitch expect me to work like a machine,” she thought to herself as she watched her boss hover over her colleague’s desk at the other end of the bay. 

Saira didn’t exactly hate her boss but she found her extremely demanding. “I wonder if she’s always like this,” she whispered to the colleague next to her who had also stopped working after their boss had gone to the other end of the room. “We’ll know tonight, won’t we! I pity her husband,” the colleague smirked, triggering a giggle from Saira. 

Saira had forgotten about the dinner her boss was hosting. “Dude, I don’t want to go,” Saira whined. “Do we ever have a choice when it comes to Lakshmi Ma’am?” her colleague replied. “No we don’t,” Saira said, burying her face in her hands and resting her elbows on her desk. 

Tuesday Tales – 1 – The house party [FFM] (Chennai, India)

/ New story every Tuesday /

“Sharon, where is the oil?”, a voice boomed from the kitchen. Sharon woke up alarmed by the sound but she almost instantaneously realised why her mother was shouting for her. Sharon had forgotten to pick up cooking oil the previous day. “I forgot to buy it yesterday. I’ll go now,” she screamed back from her room. She could hear her mom mumble something in return but she decided it wasn’t worth replying to.

Sharon got out of bed and took off her oversized tee. Her nipples were hard. “You guys seem to like this weather too,” she said, giving one of her nipples a slight tug as she looked at herself in the mirror. “When are you going,” her mother yelled from the kitchen again. “Now, ma,” she shouted back, quickly pulling on a bra, a more presentable tee and some yoga pants.

The early morning rains had greyed the Chennai sky, hiding the sun from view so Sharon decided to walk to the Nilgiris near her house in Adyar. Having quickly found the Saffola Total Pro Jar she was supposed to pick up, Sharon moseyed around the supermarket for snacks before heading to the refrigerator for her second favorite caffeine source – Red Bull.