Sacrificed true love for a life I could’ve never imagined ..

It’s been quite some time since I’ve felt anything for anyone else besides my ex. That woman left big shoes to fill. Unlike most, love hasn’t made me bitter. It’s made me hopeful, until of course my ex. I just don’t feel confident in finding another women like her. I’m not telling you she was perfect, but for me she might’ve been.. It’s not like I didn’t know it at the time, I was just far to curious in life. So now that that love has been lost, I’ve turned my love life into a business. A gentleman slut unavailable to the masses. A boyfriend for hire. My clients are usually 7 years + older than me. Much more stable lol & intelligent. Real women who appreciate a real experience. I have tremendous luck with the older ladies, they adore me and I adore them. A lot of the stereotypes aren’t true, these cougars have grip.. you don’t want to slide out once you slide in. Complete water fall. Comfy pussy. Very passionate. Feels like they’ve been craving just as much as I have. Every touch feels like something. I get so deep into trying to describe this, it takes me somewhere. First I was talking about love and now I’m deep in a purient maze. Every moment here is bliss. I love it.