Bored trophy wife hits on me at work (part 2)

Saturday morning I arrived at Jessica’s house. Her husband was away on a work trip and his mother had taken the kids off her hands to help her out. She answered the door wearing a bathrobe and a big smile.

“Welcome,” she said, opening the door and stepping back to let me in.

She shut the door and embraced me, holding me close to her, and whispering “it’s so good to see you” in my ear.

“Good to see you too,” I replied.

She let go of me and walked me through the house.

“How long to do we have?” I asked.

“As long as you need,” she replied seductively.

“As long as I need, or as long as you need?” I asked cheekily.

“Oh honey, I’m not going to take very long at all,” she replied, even more cheekily, “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I’m very much looking forward to having your hands… and whatever else, all over me.”

She led me through to the guest room. It was neat, well lit by a window that faced out to the manicured garden, with a double bed and mirrored wardrobe.

Bored trophy wife hits on me at work

I’ve been a physiotherapist for years. I’ve worked with everyone from grandmothers to elite athletes and everyone in between. Obviously I also come across many beautiful and fit women but I’ve always remained professional. That is, until a few years ago when I met Jessica.

Jessica was in her mid-thirties, married, and a mother of two. She worked a couple of days in a friend’s business, to help her out, but otherwise lived the lifestyle of a trophy wife. Her husband was 10 years her senior, very successful in business, and, as I later learned, totally unattractive in her eyes.

Jessica was suffering from what we refer to as “Tennis Knee” (Patellar Tendonitis). It’s pretty common in any sport where you repeatitive jump or come to a hard stop. After initial rest, I had her stretching and moving, as well as some leg massage.

“You have amazing hands,” she said on her third visit. “I’m only coming here for the massage, you know.”