Later that night, I made her beg – [M]y secretary and I in the south of [F]rance, Pt 2

Pt 1 is here :)

At this point I had received what was undoubtedly the best blowjob I had had in my life. In hindsight, and after receiving a few more, I realized that it wasn't because she already knew exactly what I wanted, it was that she paid attention and did whatever my hands interlaced in her hair said within the limits of her gag reflex. She learned quickly, was enthusiastic and loved the taste of cum. This was a magic combination, to say I was surprised to learn this after my first impression of her being bound up tighter than the textbooks she was so fond of would be an understatement.

At this point I was naked from the waist down. She was curled up in my lap, still wearing her little sundress. The skirt was open so her bare thighs were against mine.

This got me hard again almost immediately (good boy!), but I wasn't going to do anything with it quite yet. Instead, I kept rubbing her back and watching the sun set. Post-orgasm, I was regaining faculties of rational thought faster and faster and resisted the need to throw her over my shoulder and drag her off to my dungeon caveman style. So I did nothing, and instead developed a plan.

[M]y secretary and I in the south of [F]rance, Pt 1

I have a job that usually has me crammed inside my office. I like to escape from it occasionally and take it on the road. Changes of scenery can get the creative juices flowing again sometimes, even if it's only a few hours' drive to a beach or into the mountains somewhere. The need for a secretary or assistant of some kind has been more and more apparent as time goes by as my various business partners don't really appreciate it when it takes me a week to get back to them.

I had hired the niece of a friend who was in college for something scientific. She is one of those horrendously organized people who never seemed to have a hair out of place, with maybe the exception of finals week. I've seen a few of her notebooks she used for school, they are terrifying. All straight lines and perfect handwriting. She started working for me over her summer break and had attacked with gusto the backlog of a few months I had created out of sheer procrastination. I would later realize what a monumental accomplishment I had achieved by occupying her full attention for an entire two weeks.