Peeping Tom’s Get the Best Rewards [MF+] [con] [creampie]

Trinity marched out the meeting room. Her cheeks were red with rage as she walked with long, quick strides back to her office. Jack followed her out perturbed by the latest marketing flop that was laid out for all the executives to witness. He watched as Trinity’s hips trailed off down the hall. Trinity was wearing a skin-tight, black pencil skirt. Jack could just make out her straight chestnut brown, shoulder length hair swaying as she power walked down the hall. Before she turned the corner, she locked eyes with Jack and then disappeared.

Jack shook his head and walked the opposite way down the hall. The marketing campaign he and Trinity had put together was a stroke of genius. The executives; however, were older and didn’t understand its viral nature. They were practically laughed out of the room. He had some ideas to make it more palpable while retaining its original premise.

The light in Jack’s office faded as the sun went down. He was happy to have a window, but his office butted against the employee parking lot, so it wasn’t much of a view. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Jack had lost track of time rewriting the proposal in a long email to Trinity. He answered his phone, “Hey, sorry.”

Naked and Drained [MF+] [cons] [cheat]

“Hey,” Jane texted. “Can you stop by to help me hook up this new smart tv. It’s smarter than I am. LOL.” I was sitting at my desk about to wrap up my day. I switched off my computer, tossed it into my bag, and thought a moment before responding. Jane was a new friend of my wife’s that she met in church. They had taken frequent walks together on Friday nights over the past month or so, and had grown close.

I sat back a moment. I responded, “Sure. I’m just getting off work.” Jane was almost a decade older then me, but she was still quit sultry. I didn’t know her well – really, just by association. She had a toned mature MILF vibe – I couldn’t shake the image of her high cheek bones and pouty lips. Jane aged gracefully. She still had crows feet around the eyes and her skin was dappled in freckles, but she was still a beautiful woman with a solid bust line – I’d say at least a d-cup.

I shook the image out of my mind – a scantily clad Jane begging me to help her with the ‘wiring’ of her home entertainment system. I texted my wife. “Jane just texted.” I paused looking for the right phrase.

A Second Chance [M/F] [con] [sm]

The day after it went down, she refused to talk to me. I left work to the silent treatment; not even eye contact. I thought about it at work all day. I had made a huge mistake. I couldn’t help it. I had a fetish. I just didn’t know how to communicate it to her, so I just did it. It was wrong and I felt horrible. Honestly, I didn’t mean any harm. I felt like a freak and now, as I trudged home deep in thought, my marriage was over.

I walked into a house that felt empty. The lights were off and it was deathly silent. I signed audibly. Slowly I ascended the starts to change – heck maybe I’d need to pack. The door to our bedroom was closed. I didn’t realize it until I pushed it open, which was odd. There she sat on the edge of the bed. My Emma. She was dressed in a blue and white paisley print shirt. Her dirty blond hair was down, which was such a turn on for me. Emma was a petite woman. Everything about her was small and fragile. I suppose that was part of the allure, especially considering I towered over her. She looked at me with those big blue eyes and full lips. Emma’s cheek bones where high and angular like a swimsuit model. Seriously she said, “Let’s try again.”