Some [FF]un for the end of the world

So the world is going to shit, and likely wont be back to where it was for a while. What better excuse do you need to make some bad decisions and convince others to do the same? This was the premise of my Friday night. So in a previous story I described making a new acquaintance who dances at a local club. I’m happy to say that friendship has continued and in the last few months we’d been spending a lot of time together. One thing about her is that shes in a relationship, lucky for me though, her boyfriend is a blast and likes to share.

So this Friday, I hit up those two, we’ll call her Christy and him Kev, to see what their end of the world plans were. Likely, we’re getting locked down in the next week and the three of us were all itching to rage a bit. They said they wanted to just get fucked up, hit up the strip club, and do some hottubbin. I saw an opportunity since I had made a new friend from work.

[M]e and my favorite dancer got a little [f]risky in the back

I’ve been going to my favorite gentleman’s establishment pretty regularly over the last few months, to the point where when I show up in the afternoon, usually only one of two or three people there, I get a “Hi, how you doing?” From the usually burly manager and the bartender knows which drink I’d like. So suffice to say, I’ve become a regular at this point and as most regulars do, I’ve got a specific girl who I am HER regular, her names Molly.
At least once a week, after getting off work around 2pm, I’d go in there and have a few drinks, throw some money down, and spend my time hanging out with Molly. Everything normally stayed above board for the most part, a little “he can go a bit further during lapdances” since I’d be focused in, financially, on her every time I came in and we always had a strong connection.