For the sake of the greater good these last few months, I have decided to set aside my burning slutty desires and embrace the quarantine life. Despite that, I still managed to do something noteworthy: I helped convince my Christian roommate to lose her virginity.
Some of you may know from messaging me that I have two roommates, one of whom is fairly religious. About a month and a half ago she approached me and asked, sheepishly, if we could talk about sex. Though she has never judged me for my escapades, I guess I have a reputation as the slutty roommate, so I was apparently the natural choice for this discussion (and I would prefer to talk to a master and not an amateur in her position, too 😉).
She’s been dating the same guy for two years, and, though I kind of assumed, she confided in me that they had never slept together. She was still a virgin. She told me that he—though equally religious—had a sexual relationship with his previous girlfriend (but that was his only partner, he claims). That seemed to upset her a little; he constantly reassured her that he was completely fine not having sex, but I think she was upset at the disparity of their experiences. We talked about what she and him had done up to that point—mainly her giving him oral and him occasionally reciprocating (eyeroll)—and what she wanted to do. I, of course, suggested that they fuck, if she was ready.