Horny Articulate Tess part 2

We were sitting together, working on our papers, when he looked up from his book and stared at me. Why do you look sad, tess?” he asked in a hushed voice that only I could hear. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine,” I said, avoiding his gaze. “Just a headache.”

“Headache?Shit, I hope it isn’t anything serious. I’d hate to see you go down because of a stupid headache.”

“It’s nothing,” I said, shaking my head. “I just need to sleep it off.”

“Hair of the dog that bit you, huh?” he murmured, stroking my hair gently with his hand.His fingers were huge, and I felt small and insignificant next to him.

“Yeah, that might work,” I said, shivering a little. “Thanks for the pep talk, by the way. That really helped.”

“Anytime, sweetie,” he said, giving my shoulder a small pat. “I’ve got to go now. He stood up, grabbed his backpack from the floor, and walked towards the door. “I need to study, too.We should hang out sometime, maybe play a game of Monopoly when you get home from college.Sound good?”

“Sounds great,” I said, watching him go. “I’ll see you around, maybe.”

Categorized as Erotica

Articulate Horny Tess

I was sitting in the library, working on my homework assignment, when I saw him. He was leaning back against the wall, looking at me with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. It was the first day of class, and I was wearing a tank top and leggings, so he could see my tumescence through my shirt.He had a great body, with broad shoulders and a large, imposing build.
I could see why girls fell in love with him. He had dark hair peeking out beneath the collar of his shirt, and eyes that sparkled like river pebbles on a sunny day. I was sitting with my legs tucked under me, so he could see my panties, too.

“Hey,” he said, smiling again. ” How’s your first day going?”

“Good,” I said, shifting my gaze to his face. “You?”

“Great,” he said, flashing me a grin.”I got an A on my last test, so I’m feeling pretty good about myself.”

I smiled back, glad that he was happy. “So, what are you studying?” he asked, changing the subject. “Linguistics, I guess.”

The Quiet Molly

Bali is a place where men are men and women are women. It is a place where women are respected and have their own agency. This is the first thing I think of when I hear the word BALI. I don’t know why it reminds me of home so much.Maybe it’s the sound of the ocean. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a sucker for anything that has to do with the sea. Maybe There is something about the smell of the sea that makes me want to cum. Even thinking about it makes me want to cum. My body remembers how it felt the first time I did it. It was exhilarating.I was a virgin when I did it. It was the first time I had ever felt anything. I was a fish out of water. I was “Oyster card please.”

A man in his mid-thirties hands me an oyster card. I hand him my passport and take the seat next to him. He is well groomed and speaks good English.His name is Boris and he is from one of the wealthier families in Bali. His family owns a number of hotels and resorts. He is here to meet a girl for marriage. “Marriage is not my style,” he says to me. “I prefer women who are free and independent.” I smile because I know what he means. “How do you feel about marriage?Do you want to get married?” I ask him.

Categorized as Erotica

The Grubby Thornhill

The first time I saw him, I thought he was an off-duty cop. The second time I thought he was a private detective but by the third time I saw him, I knew he was neither. He was dressed in what I thought was a suit, but turned out to be a wrinkled, ratty thing that had seen better days.His shoes were scuffed and dirty, and his collar was askew.
He had a moustache so large it could give Colonel Mustard a run for his money, and a goatee that made him look like a lumberjack. I wondered if he shaved his legs, because they were covered in a sheen of sweat even in the shade of the trees.”Hello, miss,” he said, wiping his forehead with his hand. “You must be the new owner of this fine property.”

Categorized as Erotica

Roommate’s Forbidden Temptations Part 2

I’m sitting on the bed, and I’m looking at my phone. 3:47 a.m. Who is this? Send.

Tess, this is Josh. I was hoping that you would be home so that we could have a little chat.I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I wanted to run things by you before I did anything stupid. What do you think?

Josh stares at me for a few seconds, and I feel my cheeks flush. Shit, I didn t think he would remember my name. “Sure, come in,” I say, waving to him. “Why don t you take a seat over there?I’ll go make us some drinks.”

I turn to the fridge, and see that we are out of everything except vodka and lemonade. I M FUCKING STARVING, and the thought of making a drink makes me want to puke. So instead, I open a bottle of water, and pour a little vodka in it.It helps calm my nerves.

I should have trusted my gut instead of my best friend sipping tea with me while I confessed my love for her. I should have known that Josh was up to something when he stopped by our apartment unannounced last night.If I had turned him away, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe…

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My [F] Concrete Jungle Girl [F]

It was a beautiful day in the concrete jungle. Sunlight poured in through the large, plate-glass windows of the skyscraper, warming the concrete floor. Birds chirped outside the office” (if you could call it that) as if it were a sanctuary, instead of a rat race of cubicles stacked on top of each other.

The walls were covered in framed degrees and the occasional plant, but it all looked so drab and depressing. I wondered if that was the point. “Hey,” I said to my co-worker and friend, Liz, who was sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs by the coffee machine.

Liz had been with me since the beginning of my career as a financial analyst.She was a beautiful redhead with a great figure and a kind heart. “How’s the new model working out for you?””Not bad,”

I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking the time. “I need to head over to the shoot now. My boss wants me to try some new things with my hair.””New things?” Liz asked, raising an eyebrow.

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Cancun is a great place to spend your vacation.

Cancun is a great place to spend your vacation. There’s a lot of people that is hanging out to the beach.

The first time I went to Cancun was the first thing my boyfriend said to me when we were checking in at the airport. I laughed because it was true. We were on our first date, and it was going to be a short one.I had been planning this trip for months. My boyfriend and I had been talking about it non-stop since we met. I knew it s where I was going to propose to him. He had been planning to take me there for my birthday, but I think he had been waiting until I said yes before he told me the date.We were supposed to fly out that evening, but the weather in Chicago was terrible. The rain was pouring down, and the wind was how ling like the sea. It was the middle of January, and it was supposed to be a balmy 85 degrees in Cancun.That’s why we were there.

Categorized as Erotica

My [F] First Heartbreak

I’m a computer science major, and I know my way around a computer. I’ve built my own from scratch, and I’ve programmed others. I’ve even written some code myself. “And what do you know about love, Miss Lane?” my professor asked as he stepped away to check his email.

“Not much, I guess.I’ve never actually experienced it.” I said, turning back to my computer. “I’ve been in love before, though.””Love is nt something you experience. It’s something you feel. And you’ve felt it, haven’t you, Miss Lane?” he asked, returning to his desk. “You’ve felt the butterflies, the flutter of a heart, haven’t you?”

I had felt those things, yes. But I also knew there was something missing. It was like I was watching a movie and the sound was off. Everything looked beautiful, but there was no emotion behind it. The colors were vibrant, but the feelings were dull.It was like watching a sunrise, but without the warmth of the sun.”

“I guess so,” I said, turning back to my computer. My professor was staring at me. His jaw was strong and clean-shaven, and his eyes were tired. He looked like he could use a hug, but he never asked for one. Instead, he took my hand and shook it vigorously.”