19[M]y girlfriend 19[F] knows how to keep weddings interesting.

First time I’ve been to a wedding, and it definitely changed my perspective on them.

So my older cousin was getting married, and I was invited. We aren’t particularly close, and I’m not the most sociable of people…to put it mildly, so I was going to blow it off, but my parents, who were also invited, forced me.

I’m glad they did in the long run, although it didn’t start off that great. I don’t own a nice suit, and I sure as hell wasn’t buying one just for this, so I roll up in an ill fitting black suit I’ve had since I was sixteen and somehow still fits paired with a pair of Old School Vans… I know the epitome of class.

Well that was a big mistake. This wedding was quite a big affair, my cousin’s parents are quite well off, and I stuck out like a sore thumb from the mass of other guests.

The only saving grace was that I brought my girlfriend along. That way there was at least one person I knew at the table of my cousin’s friends I was seated at. Then again she spent the better part of the evening making fun of my clothes.

I spent the summer with my girlfriend’s nudist family [MF]

It was one of my more… eventful summers to say the least.
My girlfriend didn’t exactly shout on rooftops that her parents were into nudism, and they’d always been clothed whenever I’d been to her house, but when she invited me to their house at the seaside (this is in Europe) she explained their lifestyle to me, and that if I did come I should brace myself for a lot of old man dong and saggy tits (her words, not mine). Obviously I wasn’t obliged to partake in it myself, and she said the two of us would be out of the house doing our own thing most of the time anyway. So I accepted.

Losing 19[M]y virginity to my 44[F] year old primary school teacher

I’m not a great writer, so don’t expect a revolutionary piece of literature, but I hope you enjoy.

So I played in a metal band, still do, and our genre of predilection wasn’t particularly easy listening, so most of our shows were pretty small scale, playing in bars here and there, and generally we weren’t playing to an audience who had come specifically for this type of music so the response was usually pretty unenthusiastic. But the night I met her, we’d gotten a slot playing before this fairly popular local band small venue.

I [m] 19 watched my aunt [f] 39 get herself off on a flight

I’ll just preface this by saying there’s no actual incest here, this is just a scene I witnessed.

So most of my family are spread out across the world, we only generally only meet up once a year in the summer at my grandparents’ home. Currently me and my aunt both live in the Uk although in different cities; she lives in Brighton whereas I’m studying in London. When the event I am about to describe took place she was a couple months pregnant (not from a partner, she’s single and got inseminated with donner sperm from a sperm bank). Anyway it was getting near the time of year where we all went to our grandparents, and because of my aunt’s pregnancy my parents booked me on the same flight as her so that I’d help her carry her luggage and take some of the stress away.

[Group] I’m not sure Zoom classes are conducive to better learning

So this is more of a funny anecdote than a steamy hot story, but I thought I’d share it.
I’m in college, or rather university, and like most people my lectures are done through Zoom. It has it’s pros and cons, but more importantly it makes it easier then ever to masturbate “in” or at least during class; I’m not sure under which of the two categories that falls under. I’d never actually done it before, but a drunken video call with three friends the night before, ended in a challenge involving the deed in question. The only female in our group said that if the three of us did it, cameras on (as in camera on our faces, not jacking off in plain view) she would flash her tits on camera.

Being three, horny, teens naturally we accepted, and the next morning I’m in the lecture wearing nothing but a t-shirt, and naked from the waist down. Now it’s a lot harder then it seems to keep a straight face while you’re wanking, and looking at all the other students camera feeds my friends stood out, red faced, and trying, rather unsuccessfully to look normal.
Our female friend was having a similar problem, she couldn’t stop herself from laughing, and she eventually turns off her camera.

Losing 19[M]y virginity to my 44[F] year old primary school teacher [part two]

This is a continuation to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kc1qlg/losing_19my_virginity_to_my_44f_year_old_primary/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

A lot of you have been asking to know what happened next, it’s not as interesting as the first part but here’s part 2:

Following that awkward breakfast where I recognized her as my primary school teacher, she walked me out and that was our last encounter for the next couple of months, since we hadn’t exchanged numbers or anything, and I she didn’t know my last name.

Then a couple of months later she messaged me on Facebook. Turns out one of my friends works as a teaching assistant at the primary school, and her phone’s lock screen picture is of our friend group. The teacher recognized me and asked my friend for my name, and found me on Facebook. Anyway long story short, she wanted to meet.

We convene at a coffee shop, and she apologizes for the other night. She’d recently separated from her partner and started fooling around with younger guys recently to cope. It had never crossed her mind that she might potentially hook up with an ex student, and she hoped she hadn’t done any irreversible emotional damage. I try to laugh it off, telling her I’d enjoyed, and after all doesn’t every kid have a crush on a teacher.

Losing 19[M]y virginity to my 44[F] year old primary school teacher

I’m not a great writer, so don’t expect a revolutionary piece of literature, but I hope you enjoy.

So I played in a metal band, still do, and our genre of predilection wasn’t particularly easy listening, so most of our shows were pretty small scale, playing in bars here and there, and generally we weren’t playing to an audience who had come specifically for this type of music so the response was usually pretty unenthusiastic. But the night I met her, we’d gotten a slot playing before this fairly popular local band small venue.

Annals of biochemistry; or how we [Group] got caught in the library.

Just a bit of context, this was at university, quite a big one with a massive library. The kind where you find a new section of books or corridor, each time you visit. Anyway me and a group of friends had discovered a remote spot where past 9 PM, the chances of running into someone else was virtually zero. So it became our usual hang, we’d work there until late, then chill and drink jeagermeister or whatever we managed to smuggle in.

For a period of time, we got really into poker (card games in general) for some reason. Problem was we’re all broke uni students so no one wanted to lose money and we always ended up arguing… you can probably guess where this is going. What we ended up doing wasn’t strip poker, rather a hybrid between poker and truth or dare. We each start with a number of chips (we used skittles lol) when your out of chips you have to perform a dare to get more chips and stay in the game. Loser at the end of the week, needed to treat the others to an expensive meal. It was pretty tame the first two times, no one really wanted to be the first one to give a weird dare. But the third (and last time) we played definitely took a deranged turn.