Nightmare with my friends and my mom 2

3 years have passed since that time when my mother came out of the bathroom naked in front of my school friends, sadly for me that would not be the only time that I would have a moment of extreme shame because of my mother and her physique.

A little more than a month ago there went on vacations for the Easter holidays so me and my friends planned a trip to go to a beach that is close to the city (two hours more or less), we had planned this trip Since the new girlfriend of one of my friends has a house there, she would have her birthday and invite her friends, who are all 10/10 and he would invite us men to spend the weekend with them, for which we all already knew what we were going to and we were already getting an idea of what would happen that weekend.

We already had a full month going to the gym and preparing our bodies for those days. I in particular was somewhat nervous since one of the friends of my friend’s girlfriend has liked me for a while now, I met her once by coincidence in a drunkenness and there was chemistry but nothing happened, we talked sometimes through instagram but not that much.

Nightmare with my mom and my friends

My name is Hugo and I will not say the real name of my mother or that of any of the other characters in this story for the purpose of privacy and paranoia etc.
We will call her Sandra, she is currently 37 years old and I am 19, since I have known her she has been dedicated to sales and has her own real estate office so we have never lacked money, physically she has always been in good shape since she has always done some type of exercise, from yoga, weights and I don’t know what other things, which also instilled in me to always do some type of sport.

Her skin color is pale glossy, as if the sun has never hit her and she is about 5,3 , she has hair a little below the shoulders of a brown color. Her breasts, even if she does not wear a bra, are incredibly firm (I have seen her nipples when she changes and they are small pointy pink) with a perfect size so as not to fall because they are not very big, but they do not fit in your hand either. Her butt, as you can imagine, is very well formed by her discipline with the gym, like her legs that are fleshy and well formed, but not excessively muscular.

Categorized as Erotica

Pesadilla con mi madre y mis amistades 2

3 años pasaron desde aquella ocasion en la que mi madre salio del baño desnuda frente a mis amigos de la escuela, tristemente para mi esa no seria la unica ocasion que pasaria un momento de extrema verguenza por culpa de mi madre y su fisico.

Hace poco mas de un mes hubo dias festivos por las vacaciones de semana santa por lo que yo y mis amigos planeamos un viaje para ir a una playa que nos queda cerca de la ciudad ( mas o menos a dos horas ), habiamos planeado este viaje ya que la nueva novia de uno de mis amigos tiene casa alla cumpliria años e invitaria a sus amigas las cuales todas son un 10/10 y el nos invitaria a nosotros los hombres para pasar el fin de semana con ellas por lo cual todos ya sabiamos a lo que ibamos y ya nos estabamos haciendo idea de lo que pasaria ese fin de semana.

Teniamos ya un mes llendo al gimnasio y preprando nuestros cuerpos para esos dias. Yo en lo particular estaba algo nervioso ya que una de las amigas de la novia de mi amigo me ha gustado desde hace ya un tiempo, la conoci una vez por coincidencia en una borrachera y hubo quimica pero no paso nada, hablamos en veces por redes sociales pero de ahi no paso.

Pesadilla con mi madre y mis amistades

Mi nombre es Hugo y no dire el nombre real de mi madre ni el de ninguno de los demas personajes de esta historia por fines de privacidad y paranoia etc etc.

A ella le diremos Sandra, ella tiene 37 años actualmente y yo tengo 19, ella desde que la conosco se ha dedicado a las ventas y tiene su propio despacho inmobiliario por lo que nunca nos ha faltado el dinero, fisicamente siempre ha estado en buena forma ya que siempre ha hecho algun tipo de ejercicio, desde yoga, pesas y no se que otras cosas, lo que me inculco a mi tambien el siempre hacer algun tipo de deporte. Su color de piel es palido brilloso, como si nunca le hubiera pegado el sol y mide mas o menos 1.65, tiene cabello poco mas abajo de los hombros color entre cafe y rubio. Su pechos aunque no use brassier estan increiblemente firmes (Le he visto los pezones cuando se cambia y son pequeños rosas puntiagudos) con un tamaño perfecto para no caerse que no son muy grandes pero tampoco te caben en la mano. Su trasero como se imaginaran esta muy bien formado por su disciplina con el gimnasio y pues al igual sus piernas que estan carnosas y bien formadaas pero no musculosas en exceso.