I let my boyfriend’s douchebag friend have his way [F]

So my boyfriend have this one friend, who’s always obviously flirting with me. As for my boyfriend, he hates it. I learned pretty quickly in our relationship, not to play along with this one and to be honest, despite the fact that the attention was nice, he really is nothing for me. A real douchebag. I’ve had him grab my butt unwillingly and I’ve withstood tons of insults such as “Wow your girlfriend look like a real slut” (which I’m not). One time at a party he even slapped me. Not a soft “touchy” slap. A hard slap that made me whine out loud in front of everyone. Made my boyfriend loose it, and we left the party early.

[MF] Not Just Another Day at School II

(They say we people think about sex every 7th seconds, more than 500 times per hour, and more than 8.000 times in the 16 hours we averagely spent awake. And this is with the exclusion of what you dream of. These 2 stories is a dedication to all those thousands of people with mutual sexual feelings you will encounter doing your life but never acts upon)

2) Her

I walked steadily through the hallway, preaching my good mornings as I passed fellow colleagues and students. I was in good time. I always was. The following night I had slept badly, or well. I had slept really well, but it had shaken me how my mind could wander. I knew my position I was a loving wife and a celebrated teacher. And the worst death sin I could possibly commit I did. Not that I was in control of it, you can’t control your dreams. At least that’s what I told excused myself with. The reality was that I thought about him while I was awake too. I thought about him when my husband made love to me, and when he entered me I imagined it was him, my student, my secret fetish, my nympho. But as I walked in the door there was only the empty crowd. “Late again,” I thought to myself.

[MF] Not Just Another Day at School I

(They say we people think about sex every 7th seconds, more than 500 times per hour, and more than 8.000 times in the 16 hours we averagely spent awake. And this is with the exclusion of what you dream of. These 2 stories is a dedication to all those thousands of people with mutual sexual feelings you will encounter doing your life but never acts upon)

1) Him