Warning!!! I’m going into full extent of how I was raped and how it’s still effecting me after +15 years even with years of therapy.
I went in a all boy elementary and middle school. It was very common to see mucho/alpha boys to beat up other kids and sexually assault them. There was this boy name “Z” who was known to have raped at least 3 boys and kids were terrified of him.
My story with Z began when I was in class and he casually asked if it’s cool if I let me have sex with me just 1 time. I panicked and said NO OF COURSE NOT!! keep in mind this kid was physically tougher and looked more 18 than 12. Anyhow I was with group of friends and we used to go out after school (in my country, it was very common for kids to walk home). So once time we all went to this Video Game club to play Fifa and Z decided to come with us. After some game, I wanted to use the restroom and he followed me. There were 3 bathrooms and they were all in use, so I waited till it’s my turn. Then Z jumped in the rest room and told me to come in otherwise he’ll beat me up. I got scared and said ok I’m only gonna pee and leave and nothing else.