A Breeding Session with Daddy [Domination, Female Orgasm, Rough Sex, Squirting, Teasing]

I flip you over and spread your legs, leaning my body over yours. My arms rest on either side of your head. My stiff cock lies between your thighs, taunting your exposed pussy.

“Should I put it in?” I ask with a bite of my lip.

“Yes please,” you reply.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes, daddy. I’m sure.” You look up at me with a pleading desire.

Your use of the honorific title brings a smile to my face. It stirs a feeling of pride within me. I smile excitedly at you, thinking about how lucky I am to have someone who looks upon me with such reverence. I grab the base of my cock and line myself up. You can feel my tip graze between your lips.

“You let daddy know when you need to cum, okay? Don’t forget to ask permission.”

You nod your head up and down. Your eyes are sure not to leave the sight of my throbbing penis. You watch as I gently grind against you, allowing my tip to reach across your clit. Then, I bring myself back down to your entryway. You can’t help but get the sense that I am thoroughly enjoying teasing you.

Categorized as Erotica

Woken by a Fearsome Demon [18+] [Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Domination, Non-consent]

In a frightened sweat, your eyes shoot open. You look at the clock, trying to distinguish digital numbers through fogged vision. But your tired eyes have yet to clear up. All you can make out is a cloudy red glow.

You make a move to get out of bed, but a powerful force wraps around your arms. Weight presses from multiple fronts, pinning you down. You kick your legs, tug your body, and squirm beneath the figure’s hold, but it offers you little room to move.

Desperate to see what’s happening, you squint, prompting your vision to settle into clarity. Though you begin to wish it hadn’t as a monstrous image sears into your mind. A hulking body with bulging muscles. Two dark horns jut from its forehead and curl like a ram’s. You follow the horns back to the beast’s furious brow, where you meet his soul-less, sable eyes.

Afraid to stare any longer, you turn away just as the red beast lowers his face. His lips hover over your ear, allowing his tongue to slither from its fang-lined mouth. The creature bellows like a feral tiger getting ready to launch into its prey. The shrill sound raises the skin on your neck and sends panic through your body. You attempt to calm yourself as teeth graze your skin, but the attempts are fruitless. Your heart is pounding, ready to rip through your chest.

Babysitting for Mr. Carver [M40s F19] [Church Girl, Daddy Dom, Slow Burn, Spanking]

New Hope Church’s Sunday morning service had been finished for almost an hour, and Levi was the last child waiting to be picked up. Kayla was sitting on the floor, letting him play with letter blocks when a bold voice asserted itself through the open half of the nursery room door. “Hi, I’m here for Levi.”

At the sight of his father, Levi dropped the block he was holding, and tried to crawl toward the door.

Kayla turned to find to a handsome middle-aged man standing behind the doorframe. His hair was gray, with streaks of black, and he was wearing a long-sleeve lavender button-down that conformed to his muscular arms. “Oh, hi! You must be Mr. Carver,” she said.

“That’s right.” He gave a big smirk. “Apologies for being late. I got talking on the way and almost forgot about pickup.” He chuckled with embarrassment.

“Oh—it’s really no problem,” Kayla said as she stood up and lifted Levi into her arms. “It actually happens more than you’d think.”

“Well, that makes me feel a little better.” He scratched the back of his head. “Still, I probably shouldn’t forget my kid.”

Trying to Keep Quiet in the Office (Pt. 2) [MF] [Co-worker, Exhibitionism, Public, Workplace]

Behind you, your favorite pain-in-the-ass colleague is standing by the printer, waiting for her copies.

Annoyed and wishing that the shared office printer wasn’t located in your corner, you pull your cellphone out and type under the desk. “She’s literally been here for like ten minutes!”

“It’s okay! Relax. Just let me know once she’s gone,” I reply.

You roll your eyes, turn around, and look at your co-worker who is finally collecting her printouts. You give her a fake smile and turn away. *Dumb bitch,* you think to yourself as she walks past your desk to the other side of the wall.

“She’s done. You can come over.” Your nails click against your phone screen.

“Be there in a minute,” I reply.

You place your phone down, check your shirt, and straighten up in preparation for my arrival. You wore my favorite pink top today, and you want to make sure that it sits just right on your chest.

From beyond the wall, clicking and typing can be heard. Some people are on phone calls; others are probably pretending to work. Not that it’s any of your business. What matters to you is that all of those sounds combine to form auditory cover.

Surprising the Campus Security Guard [M50 F20] [Big Cock, College, Cumshot, Domination, Exhibitionism]

Catarina’s social interactions on campus were frustratingly limited this semester. In both of her courses, none of her classmates seemed interested in forming connections. It was kind of surprising considering the number of unwanted interactions she had to deal with during the spring and fall semesters. But apparently, in the summer, everybody was playing a different game: get in, get out, and enjoy the rest of the day.

The one friend she had made wasn’t actually a student. It was one of the security guards, Jordan, who was an older man in his fifties. He was very upbeat and friendly, sometimes bordering on flirty. The two spent several nights together, talking when Jordan cleared out the student union center. And, even though he was quite a few years older than Catarina, they were always able to find something to discuss, which Catarina suspected was one of the things that drew her to him.

Sitting in the yearbook room, Catarina checked the time on her laptop. It was 9:00pm. Beyond the glass entryway, there was no sign of Jordan. But she knew he wouldn’t be long. She placed her laptop next to her backpack, then hopped to her feet. Her denim shorts fell to the floor, and she pulled off her bra and top. Despite being in the room by herself, she still felt the need to toss her clothes aside in a showy manner.

Seized by Bullies in the Workout Room [M18 M18 M18 F18] [Gangbang, High School, Non-consent, Rough Sex, Squirting]

Throughout her high school career, Lily had always considered gym class to be an inconvenient (and potentially awkward) forty-five minutes. This was because gym required students to get changed into uniforms, which was not only annoying, but in the case of Lily, it also meant wearing a shirt that fit too tight in the chest. Combine that with a room of guys who are constantly sneaking looks at the girls in class, and you have yourself a student who isn’t very interested in participating.

Luckily, every few weeks, the option to select weight lifting rolled around. And when it did, Lily always chose it. Because the teachers would let her and her friends talk in the weight room while the guys played games in the gymnasium.

It was nearing the end of the period. Lily was getting ready to pack her things. She heard yelling down the hall, so she rushed in hopes of avoiding the social traffic. A group of boys passed by the weight room. She met eyes with one of them for only a second. He went quiet and shushed his friends. Lily’s heart pumped with a flair of concern. She moved toward the door just as the boy came through the doorway. His well-built body towered over her. His hand gripped her side in a way that struck fear into her heart. Slowly, he backed her into the room. His two friends followed, locking the door.

The Boss’s Pet [Breeding, Co-worker, Exhibitionism, Public, Rough Sex, Workplace]

“Swing by my office. I need to talk to you.”

As you read the text, a spark of energy pipes through your veins. You’ve been hoping that I would call you up or swing by your desk. But in the back of your head, you were also worried that maybe I wasn’t thinking about you at all. Fortunately, reading this message alleviates that fear. Now, your heart beats with a new set of concerns.

You take the stairs to the second floor, then lead yourself to my office. The door is closed. Behind it, you can hear my muffled voice. It is hard to discern what is being said, but you think it sounds like I am on a call.

You casually peer from side to side before sliding into my office. You close and lock the door behind you, then smile and watch as I speak on the phone. You take note of how my cadence never falters. My words reverberate pleasantly in your ears. Playfully, you slide a finger down your neck, between your breasts, then you undo the first button on your blouse.

A Breeding Session with Daddy [Domination, Female Orgasm, Rough Sex, Squirting, Teasing]

I flip you over and spread your legs, leaning my body over yours. My arms rest on either side of your head. My stiff cock lies between your thighs, taunting your exposed pussy.

“Should I put it in?” I whisper teasingly with a bite of my lip.

“Yes please,” you reply.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes, daddy. I’m sure.” Your eyes look up at me with a pleading desire.

Your use of the honorific title brings a smile to my face. It stirs a feeling of pride within me. I smile excitedly at you, thinking about how lucky I am to have someone who looks upon me with such reverence. I grab the base of my cock and line myself up. You can feel my tip graze between your lips.

“You let daddy know when you need to cum, okay? Don’t forget to ask permission.”

You nod your head up and down. Your eyes are sure not to leave the sight of my throbbing penis. You watch as I gently grind against you, allowing my tip to reach across your clit. Then, I bring myself back down to your entryway. You can’t help but get the sense that I am thoroughly enjoying teasing you.

Trying to Keep Quiet in the Office [Breeding, Co-worker, Exhibitionism, Public, Workplace]

The office is bustling with workplace commotion as you sit in your cubicle. Behind the wall, people are discussing their daily monotony. Normally, you would be doing the same, pretending to care about your job. But today, you are a bit distracted.

You look down at your phone and reply to my text, “Now’s a good time.”

“I’ll be over in a minute,” I reply in almost an instant.

An anxious excitement builds as you wait. You peer around the left and right of your workstation to see if anyone is making their way towards your desk. You’ve been blessed with a setup that is backed around the corner. It’s rare that anyone makes a trip to your area unless they need to directly speak with you or use the printer behind you.

You check the time on your computer. *Where is he?* You think to yourself. You feel fairly confident that the voices on the other side of the wall won’t venture around to your area, but you can never be too sure—there have been close calls before.

She Makes Everything Better [Breeding, Love, Romantic, Wholesome]

Do you know the feeling of being so overwhelmed by disappointment that you don’t stand a chance of hiding it? No matter how hard you try to keep it suppressed, it is reflected in your whole demeanor. Your face wears a sullen expression. You carry yourself with a defeated weight. There is nothing you can do but accept the feeling and press on your “merry” way. That is exactly how I felt when I came home from work after my yearly review.

For months, I had been telling people that I was going to be receiving a promotion. I would proudly say things like:

“I’m going to be moving to desktop support.”

“Yeah, it should come with a nice pay jump.”

“You know, I’m really ready for a change. I’ve been working in my current position for two years, and I think it’s gonna be nice to switch things up.”

Practically everyone in my life knew these details: acquaintances, co-workers, friends, family, and, of course, my girlfriend. Needless to say, this was an exciting move for me. I had been working at my entry-level help desk job while taking college classes, but I was ready to move up. Desktop support was going to be the job that showed people I belonged out of college and that I was an important member of our company.